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"Just because you have everything, doesn't mean you're happy."


Luke groaned heavily as he cocked his head to the side and glared out of the window. Although there wasn't much to be seen, anything was better than Calum who was currently pretending to be a rich and obnoxious guy.

"And like, it's so disgusting when people are poor, they smell bad and are just annoying." Calum rambled on as he moved his hand through the air and pretended to be someone who he wasn't. At least now Luke knew it was good that his best friend didn't own so much money, he'd be an awful person.

Mia just rolled her eyes and crossed her legs, Calum was supposed to drive her and Sam home and not to comment on how they were disgusting to him. She was in the back seat of Calum's luxurious car and tried to hide her annoyance as Calum caught her rolling her eyes in the driver's mirror.

"Woah, woah." He then quickly said as he turned his look back on the road. "I didn't say that you are disgusting, sweetie. I meant like really poor people. And anyway, no matter how poor a girl is, if she can give you a good blowjob she is perfect." He added as he smirked proudly, being completely honest with this one.

Mia put a hand on her forehead and glared down, she couldn't even believe what Calum was talking about and she just hoped that at some point he was going to say "trolololol" but he was too old to even know what that meant, and also he was too stupid for that. He wasn't kidding at all, and that fact made Luke angry. He was so close to murder him right now and kill himself and Mia too by driving the car off a cliff. But somehow he managed to calm himself and not freak out.

"Why are you kids so silent, anyway?" Calum questioned after a while as he laughed evilly. He was too deep into the role of the rich jerk.

"To be honest, Calum-"

"Mr. Hood. I prefer Mr. Hood." Calum interrupt Mia as she tried to explain him he was a complete jerk, but in a nice way, which was hard. Mia took a deep breath, trying to collect herself.

"Mr. Hood." She began and made sure that it was okay for the man of its finest. He nodded as he smiled proudly, he quite enjoyed to annoy Luke and have fun with a young girl. "You're being really mean to your best friend, that's why we are silent. I personally have no comment on all what you said there." Mia said after she leaned herself forward between the two front seats and then sat back again.

Calum licked his lips as Luke watched him being so satisfied. He succeeded to annoy both Luke and Mia. "I'm sorry you see it like that Maya." He said after a while trying to sound formal through his big grin as he watched Luke getting more and more angry with each second through the corner of his eye.

"Mia." Mia growled annoyed through grittered teeth just to see that she was finally at the parking lot in front of the building she lived in.

"There you go, Mia." Calum said after he turned down the car and turned around. She took her bag and rushed quickly out of the car, she couldn't stay inside any longer, she was so done with Calum that it made her feel bad for Luke, too. She didn't understand why he'd be friends with someone like Calum.

Luke gave Calum a disappointed look, he knew that Calum is used to be a cock, but he really shouldn't have done this. He opened the door and ran after Mia who was standing at the front door, looking for her keys to unlock it.

"Mia, I'm really sorry for the probably worst first date ever." Luke apologized as he stood behind Mia who stopped to look for her keys in her purse and turned to him. She was still so mad and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"It's okay." She finally said and continued looking for her keys as if he wasn't even there.

"Are you free tonight?" Luke leaned himself against the glass door and looked at her with his big blue eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest and tried to look tough.

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