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Mia fastly packed her phone, wallet and keys in the purse after her and Luke got out of their flat. She took the designs that were laying on the hall floor and put them under her armpits holding them tight as she clumsily locked the door. Luke was bent down and putting on a pair of sneakers. They forgot to turn on the alarm clock last night and were both late; Luke for 'work' and Mia for her meeting at the Fashion House.

When she finally succeeded to lock the door and saw that Luke was already ready, they both ran down the stairhouse. At the bus stop they said their goodbyes and Luke made his way over to his house and Mia her thirty-minutes trip to the other side of the city.

Luke was sad that he couldn't go with her, but Mia wouldn't let him, she wanted him rather to work than to go with her, since she was able to do it herself. So he sat himself in his car and drove his daily route over to his house. In tha past two days Calum wasn't home at all, he was spending time with Chelsea so Luke expected to be home alone today again, but instead he found Calum alone on the couch and watching tv when he arrived.

"Oh, hey. Didn't expect to see you here." Luke chuckled as he put his keys in the bowl next to the front door and made his way into the big living room.

"Why not?" Calum sat himself up to make some place for Luke to sit himself down too. e looked at him confused, since they were both 23 years old they lived in this house together, there was nothing weird about Calum being there.

"You .. you were the past few days with Chelsea, I didn't see you at all." Luke explained, being confused with him either. "Where is she even? Are you guys like .. a couple?" he looked around the house, who knows maybe she was there. It wouldn't be the first time that Calum's girls walked around his house naked.

"Couple?!" Calum looked at him and laughed. "No, no. This guy isn't going to get married, ever." Calum stood up and laughed to hide the fact that he was partly lying. He was with Chelsea (he just didn't know it yet) but he didn't lie when he said that he wasn't going to get married.

"I didn't ask you if she is your wife, I just asked about your relationship you guys have there." Luke stood up too and followed him into the kitchen. He knew that Calum was hidding something and wanted to get away with it.

"No, no. She isn't my girlfriend, you happy?" Calum turned around after he grabbed a carton of juce and drank out of it smashing the door of the fridge annoyed. He groaned loudly and sat himself down at the dinning table.

"What do you guys have then? Don't tell me you're some friends with benefits becuase I can tell you it never ends good." Luke sat himself down too and watched Calum smash his head onto the table. He was definitely frustrated over something and Luke was almost positive it was Chalsea.

"No we don't." Calum said almost confused and not sure about it. "I just ... I can't stop to think about her and I feel stupid around her, like she laughs at me. She fucking laughs at me!" he started to ramble on and to shout in frustration. "And the worst is .." he leaned over the table to Luke and said whispering, making him terrified. ".. I only want to have sex with her, Luke. With no one else, only Chelsea, it's sick." he said as he sat himself back down at looked terrified at Luke who couldn't help but to laugh.

"People from the Earth call it love, dear alien." he said after he went with a hand over his face and laughed again earning a blank look from Calum. "You are in love, Cal." he explained and chuckled. It was so funny to hear how Calum described love as - "I only want to have sex with her.". He definitely was in love and it made Luke even happier than he has been.

"I'm not in love." Calum said more as a question and drank some of his juice again. "I can't be in love." he said unsure and looked at Luke who just nodded his head and smiled. "I'm Calum Hood, I can't be in love." as he spoke he understood that what he tried to make himself believe was total bullshit. "I'm not in love." he cried out and smashed his head onto the table again.

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