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It has been over a week since Christmas, and since the embaressing dinner they've had over at Michael's house.

Today, Luke and Mia decided to go a little shopping for new clothes and other stuff they needed. However, they planned to look through the whole mall and buy whatever they needed/wanted.

"We should've taken Daisy with us." Mia said as they walked from the park lot into the huge building, trying to be as fast as possible since it was raining and they didn't bring an umbrella with themselves.

"Yeah sure." Luke chuckled while he took off the hood he's put on his head a few moments ago. "To make a millionaire out of me." he rolled his eyes after they entered earning a scoff from Mia. "The last time I took her shopping I ended up buying her eight dolls and all the clothes they needed." he looked at her as they arrived in the first floor of the mall and stood in the middle of it to see where they'd go first.

"I've never actually been shopping with you." Mia looked up at Luke just realizing this now. She hugged his arm and pointed at a store with clothes for girls' and women. "Can I get everything I want?" she pouted as they entered the store and she already knew that she's going to find loads of things she'd like to buy.

"No." Luke chuckled sarcastically to see that she already let off his arm and was looking through clothes on the other part of the store. He turned around and laughed as he watched her fastly look through the masses of clothes and searching for something nice. "Why don't you buy this? It looks hella fine." he picked up a shirt that she's accidentally let fall on the floor and showed it to her when she stopped with her search for a moment, and held loads of clothes in her arms hugged tight.

"That?" she put the clothes on the desk and took the black lace top that Luke picked up for her.

"Yeah, it'd look great on you." he shruged his shoulders, already knowing that she didn't like it at all, but not understanding why, it looked really good and it'd eventually look even better on her.

"Uh huh ... No. I'll rather buy this one." she said as if she was thinking about it once again, even though she was sure she wasn't going to buy it. She took out another shirt, a grey one with some letters on it, almost looking like a tank top.

Luke looked at her a bit disapointed and licked his lips as he threw his head to the side. He wanted her to buy that lace top, but Mia obviously didn't understand fashion the way he did. And just as he wanted to say something that'd make her buy the top, she interupt him.

"We need to buy you clothes, too." she walked past him with the tank top, a flannel, a pair of shorts and some sneakers that Luke didn't even know from where she had them. Luke just nodded and followed her while she stopped every now and then to watch different clothes. "We'll go to the shop over there, here they don't have anything for guys." she said not paying any attention to her boyfriend. She was a girl and out for shopping, able to buy whatever she wanted, how was she supposed to pay attention to Luke?

After she picked up other shirts, and some shoes, a wallet and even a bag, she took two pairs of trousers and escaped in the cabin to try them on.

Luke stood in front of the cabin with all the other clothes she's bought and waited, almost irritated with his own girlfriend. He's learned that bringing your girlfriend to the mall was one of the worst things you could do to yourself.

"They fit, let's go and pay for it." Mia jumped out of the cabin and said as she pulled up the trousers she's been wearing before. She took some of the clothes from Luke and started to walk to the cash register.

The woman behind the counter looked at her confused but started to scan each clothing item without hesitation.

"That makes 450$." she chewed loudly on her gum and spoke, having her hand stretched out to accept the money or credit card.

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