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"Sometimes things aren't as we think they are."


A loud noise of a falling and breaking bowl woke Mia up in the morning. She opened her eyes, the bright light blinding her. It was a wonderful sunny morning, the problem was just that she has been the whole night up and didn't feel like waking up just yet.

As she pushed the covers away from herself she saw that she was still in the shirt from Sam that he borrowed her after they were done last night and she felt cold. She sat up on the edge of the bed and put her messy locks into a bun. On the floor were her clotbes scattered, of course, Sam was already gone. At least that's what she thought, and kind of hoped for. But as she got up to see what was happening in the kitchen she found Sam there on the floor, picking the broken pieces up.

"Sam? Why are you still here?" Mia asked as she stood casually in the door frame of the small kitchen.

"Oh, hey. Yeah, I wanted to make us breakfast." Luke glanced up at her and stood up from the floor. 

"I should've known it." Mia said through a small chuckle and hit her forehead with a hand.

"What?" Luke questioned in confusion after he threw the pieces in the trash. He knew it was ridiculous, but he was scared that Mia has maybe found out he lied to her.

"Is this your first one-night stand?" Mia asked, hiding her face behind her hand that was covered with the big sleeve of Luke's shirt. 

"No, I mean ... Oh, I understand." Luke laughed a bit as he understood her question. "No, I actually didn't want this whole thing to end so fast." He leaned himself against the counter and looked down at his shoes. Mia chuckled a bit and walked over to him, trying to hop and sit on the counter next to him but failing because she lacked leg length so Luke helped her and found his place leaned next to her. Mia didn't say anything, a small smile was still covering her face. "I don't know if anyone ever told you that you're actually a really pretty girl .. " Luke trailed off as he watched Mia fix her messy bun. ".. I'd like to see you again, and I didn't have your number. Would you give me your number and promise me to go on a date with me after I made you breakfast?" Luke licked his lips and glared at her with the same eyes a little boy had when he looked at candy.

"Depends on what we are going to eat for breakfast." Mia answered, biting her bottom lip. Actually she didn't know why she acted like this, she didn't want to go on a date with Luke, or anyone. But out of some reason the blue eyed guy made her break her own rules.

"I actually wanted to make waffles, but you don't have the ingredients I need for it." Luke said as he turned to her and pointed at all the ingedients he placed on the counter after he's searched through all of her cabinets. "But ... we could eat at my friend's house." He then said as he put his hand on Mia's bare thighs and smiled at her while she sat on the counter and let her feet swing in the air.

"I must let you know that a breakfast-date at your friend's house does not count." She informed him as she put her hands on his to make him stop from stroking her thighs, not becuase she didn't like it but becuase she got scared she'd do something she'd regret afterwards.

"Even if it's a date in a nice beach house and we go swimming afterwards?" Luke whispered in her ear after he put her hands away and fondled her soft skin, it seemed as if he enjoyed it more than she did.

"Really?" Mia pushed him away a bit and raised an eyebrow, she actually didn't believe that a guy like him knew someone who owned a beach-house and who'd let them eat there and swim in the sea. Oh, little did she know.

"Yeah, he is kinda rich." Luke said and scooted himself closer to her again, placing his hands on her waist this time, he just couldn't let her go, it was weird but he craved to touch her. "So what do you say?" He looked up at her with a puppy face as he rested his chin on her lap even though it was the most uncomfortable position he could've choosen.

Mia glanced at him and back to somewhere else as she thought about his offer. "Okay." She then said in the end and jumped off the counter. "I just need to get dressed, can you wait here?" She questioned as she was already on her way out of the small kitchen and into her bedroom.

"Sure." Luke said simply and shrugged. He sat himself on the counter because there was no chair in the kitchen only a small table but it was full of plates and glasses, Mia seemed to be a messy person though. He took his phone that he left in the morning on the counter and quickly typed a message for his friend Calum.

*Breakfast with me and a girl in half an hour. Just tell her you're a millionaire and that it's your house actually pretend to be me okay? I'll explain it later.*

He sent the message and just got a *k* in reply. Calum must've been having a bad headache from last night, that's why he didn't ask anything or write anything longer than one character. But he was already owing Luke so much he could've at least pretended to be rich in reply.

"I'm ready." Mia exclaimed after a while when she appeared in the door frame, struggling to  lace up her bathing suit. "Can you ... Can you help me?" She questioned after a while, letting out a frustrated groan. Luke hopped off the counter and helped her with pleasure. "Wow I haven't been on the beach for so long." Mia said as they both walked to the front door. "It's actually so nice from your friend to make us breakfast." She said after they walked out and were going down the stairs.

"Yeah, but just try and ignore his arrogance, he's always like that." Luke said to warn her that Calum is often being a douche. "He is just the way he is." He elaborated as he followed her out of the building.

"Um, I still don't have my license, so we'll have to take the bus." Mia said as she looked through her bag for some money while they stood at the bus stop. The last time Luke went somewhere by bus bus was over ten years ago, and he really didn't know how he should feel about it now. "Yes! Only 8 bucks left." Mia said with fake happiness and sighed in disappointment.

"I can pay for both of us." Luke said simply as he didn't understand why she was stressing out about this since he was never out of money. 

"No, no I think this will be enough, for now." Mia said after the bus stopped and the door opened. She climbed up first but Luke pushed her away when she was about to pay for their ride. "Sam!" She shouted angrily as she stood impatiently behind him and Luke couldn't help but giggle to himself. 

"Two tickets to Freshwater." Luke said nervously, to the bus driver, glancing back at Mia over his shoulder who was punching his back.

"Queenscliff?" The driver questioned as he took the money from Luke who just nodded and wiped his sweaty hand on his jeans. The bus driver just nodded and let them take their seat in the back.

"Why did you do that?" Mia asked as she followed Luke to the end of the bus. "I could've paid for myself." She said after they both sat down and Luke started to feel bad for doing this, he didn't know it'd make upset her. It's just that Mia liked to have control over her own life and didn't want anyone to take care of her.

"This is supposed to be our first date, I had to." Luke found the right answer and smiled at her proudly.

Mia shook her head and laughed at him. "You're such a dork, you know?" And Luke just nodded, he knew he was acting so childish and dumb all the time - at least that's what his ex-wife was telling him all the time, but he hoped that a young girl like Mia would tolerate and like it, since she is young and dumb herself.



i wrote this while listening only 100% to bowling for soup lol i luv them tho

i hope you like this bc i started to write it last night and finished it today, however luke's trying to be a cutie to mia bc he obviously likes her while she is still not sure but she also doesn't want to fall in love (I'll explain that part in one of the upcoming chapters bc it's complicated lol)

pls comment what you think of this , i am literally crazy about reading your comments

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