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"I'm finished making sense."


*10 days later*

"That'd be it, I guess." Luke put his hands on his hips and exhaled heavily after he put down the last box full of his stuff in the living room of Mia's apartment.

"You have a lot of clothes for a guy." Mia put an eyebrow up and smiled at Luke. They had a long ass day behind them. They had to drive three times to the fake apartment that Luke told Mia he he lived at and back to Mia's apartment to move all the things he had.

"Ya' know, I'm kinda gay." Luke said and tried to stay serious but he bursted into a laughter directly after Mia.

"That explains your relationship with Calum." She nodded her head and licked her lips before she laughed again. "Sammy babe." Mia immitated Calum's deep voice and laughed again as she unpacked the box that was lying on the kitchen counter.

"Mia babe." Luke looked at her with an unsure smile and waited to get a shaking head in reply. "Why not?" He put his hands up in the air and looked at her almost pissed off. "Why do you hate me this much?" He asked slowly pulling on a smile again.

"I don't hate you." Mia answered a bit confused, she didn't know she made him think she hates him. Anyway they were going to live together and you don't let someone live with you when you hate him, do you?

"Why don't you want to be with me?" Luke put on a pouting face and looked at her sadly, he was really not the person to flirt with girls succesfully.

"Because I don't love you." Mia explained while she was taking out Luke's shirts that he bought a day before so she wouldn't find out he was actually eleven years older than her.

"Dammit, what do you do then?" Luke groaned after he walked over to her and took the folded flannels to bring them into the closet that Mia left empty for him next to hers in the bedroom.

"Well, I let you live with me, and I'll let you sleep in my bed. Isn't that enough?" Mia said and laughed a bit, all of this was quite amusing to her. She never met someone who was trying this hard to get her, even though she let him know that she doesn't want anything serious with anyone.

"But you said no touching." Luke said as he looked at her with his huge blue eyes. He looked more like a 3-year-old boy than a 30 -year-old 1.97 m tall man. Mia just nodded at him and chuckled a bit as she started to unpack the box that was on the floor with her knife. "That's as if I'd sleep here on the couch." He explained and sighed before he walked over to her and bent down to help her.

"You can sleep on the uncomfortable couch if the bed isn't good enough for you." Mia looked up at him and joked as she had trouble with the package. Luke just groaned and kneeled next to her as he pushed her away so he'd open it for her. "You didn't really get angry because I won't let you touch me?" She straighten herself up and scooted her head to the side while she stood above Luke who was still unpacking the box. He looked up at her with an upset expression and back to the floor.

"No." He growled not even taking the time to look at her, he had to spend enough of his energy on the box that was so damned and didn't want to open.

"Okaay." Mia said a bit awkwardly and sat herself on the chair next to him. "Can I tell you then that you act sometimes like a baby?" In that moment Luke looked at her to see her smirking and with an eyebrow up, her legs and arms crossed. He couldn't help but to laugh a bit as he finally opened the box that was full with his play station and games.

"Can I tell you that I think I know why you play hard to get?" Luke stood up and put the box on the table behind her as he bent over her.

"Do I?"Mia said playing the innocent and looked up at him still with the same eyebrow lifted.

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