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Luke and Mia were on the beach and laid on a huge towel that Luke brought from home. They decided to go for a swim and spend the day there since Calum's parents were visiting him and meeting Chelsea. Luke knew they wouldn't be happy about Calum having a 'slut' as a girlfriend, but when it came to Calum's girls, Chelsea was literally a princess.

"You never told me anything about your mum." Luke spoke after they both were silent for a longer time that Mia already was about to fall asleep as she rested her head on Luke's stomach and he had his arms behind his head shifting it up. Mia looked shortly up at him and got blended by the sun so she put her head back and a hand on her stirn. "Like, where is she? What is her job? I know your parents got divorced but that's all I've heard about them."

"Um, my mum is in Los Angeles." Mia started off thinking about what she was supposed to tell him, she didn't know he'd ever want her to tell him the whole long story. "I was a child when they got divorced, around the same age like Daisy, so I don't remember much of it." she looked shortly up at him to see if he was listening to her at all and made herself comfort again looking out at the sea. "I just know that our dad got the right to take us with him over to Australia." she finished off and turned her head to the side making Luke chuckle a bit since her hair tickled him.

"Don't you ever visit her? I mean, I visit my mum often." he swung with his hand through the air to explain things when in fact Mia didn't even see what he was doing.

"No, but you like your mum." she sighed, she actually expected a question like this one from him.

"What happened between you and yours?" Luke looked up at the sky and asked as if he talked to himself. From the swimming and running on the beach he got pretty tired, and lying in the sun as comfortable as this was making it even harder to keep awake.

"She got married and got children with her new boyfriend soon after we moved to Australia. It hit my dad hard, becuase he didnt' want the divorce and he still loved her. It was rude from her to just forget us like that." Mia explained and nodded her head as if she had to make sure it was like that becuase after she lived with only her dad it was hard for her to stay objective towards her mother.

"I understand." Luke nodded his head and took a deep breath before he went on. "Bridget found a new boyfriend just two weeks after we got divorced. It makes you feel as if that person doesn't care at all and that she forgot all you've had together." Mia looked up at him as he spoke, not minding the sun blending her eyes anymore.

"You never told me how it came that you got divorced." she said as she realized it for the first time. She sat herself up and crossed her legs making Luke stand up too even though he wanted to stay laid down.

"We were for a long time married. We got married only one year after highschool and after I threw away my college stipendium." he went with a hand over his tired face and spoke. He wasn't feeling like talking about this at all, but he'd do anything for Mia. He leaned himself back on his stretched out arms and looked at her with half closed eyes from the sunshine. "We were so poor, we had to live three months in her dad's car until I got that small job at an IT industry, and sadly but luckily, soon after the owner died and since he had no family he left the industry to me and in a few years I transformed it with the help of my highschool firend, Michael into a programming firm." Luke talked and saw Mia smiling to herself lightly, he didn't know why though, so he just went on. "Meanwhile we got married and after I earned my first 50,000 with the firm I bought us proper rings and all that stuff. After we got enough money I bought us this house here in Sydney, later we bought one in Los Angeles and one in London but I've sold them after we got divorced. And when you have a good life, time flies so fast. It felt like a day to me, but the day of my 30th birthday came." he stopped for a moment and looked down at the towel chuckling and trying to make all of what was coming next seem less sad than it is. "Only one week before my birthday, Bridget admited to me that she wants the divorce, that she can't live with me anymore and be married to me becuase she doesn't love me anymore."

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