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"Ashton, why are you here?" Ashton walked past Luke and he turned around to find him walking casually into his kitchen as if he was in his own house. "And why are you drunk?" he followed him and stood in the door frame watching him grab some cold water and drinking it.

Ashton leaned on the counter and looked at him as he took another sip from the bottle. "See, Lucas. That's a great question." e shook his head and chuckled.

"I-Is Bridget here?" Luke furrowed his eyebrows and looked at him confused.

"Nope, she doesn't even know I'm here." he giggled and put the bottle on the counter making his way to Luke and putting an arm around him. "You'd like to see her, am I right?" he smirked at down at Luke and chuckled.

"No." Luke put his arm away and shook his head. "Why are you here?" he asked again since he still didn't get a reply.

"I need to talk to you." Ashton giggled, all of this seemed to be some joke to him while Luke was shocked and worried. He walked over to the table and sat himself down, making sure to sit on the chair and not fall down, anyway he was pretty drunk.

"Okay." Luke said more as a question than a state after he sat himself down across him. "What do you want to - Oh, okay, okay." he tried to start the conversation about whatever Ashton wanted to talk about, but he just passed out directly on the kitchen table. "You'll go to bed buddy, tomorrow we can talk." Luke stood up and walked over to him t get him up. "When Bridget comes and kills me, yeah." he rambled on and put an arm on his shoulder making the not so light Ashton stand up.

"Do you - " Mia tried to ask him something but Luke pushed her out of his way and carried Ashton upstairs, leaving her speechless behind. "Is he alright?" she shouted and waited for Luke to come down.

"Yeah, yeah. He just passed out." Luke jogged down the stairs and threw himself on the couch. "He wanted to talk with me, but we will do it tomorrow." he turned to Mia after she sat down next to him.

"Won't you call Bridget to pick him up?" she looked at him confused.

"Bridget? No, no, no. There's no way of me calling her, he is probably here with his own plane, I will send him home tomorrow." Luke scooted himself closer towards Mia and smiled at her. He didn't know why he was smiling, as if he just realized now how pretty she was, but he did it. "God, you're so beautiful." he said to break the silence between them.

"Don't try to change the subject now, you're friend who's marrying your ex-wife is upstairs, sleeping in our bed becuase he is obviously too drunk. You should be worried." Mia shrug off, she knew what this would lead to if she didn't stop it now.

"What am I supposed to do?" Luke argued and put his hands up in the air frustrated. "To go upstairs and cuddle him, make him gay so he doesn't marry Bridget? Is that what I should do?" he stood up and went with a hand through his hair. "He is fucking fainted, I can't go up and beg him to talk with me." he lowered his voice after he got an angry look from Mia, he went too far.

"You should just shut up." Mia exhaled heavily and stood up.

"Mia." Luke stood up and followed her into the kitchen.

"Luke, just don't." Mia turned around and pushed him away so he wouldn't follow her again. She wasn't even mad at him, she just didn't want to start a fight with him now when they had a guest at their home.


"Luke!" Calum shouted after he knocked on the door again. "Luke, open the door." he repeated and took a sip of his whiskey that he carried all the way up with himself.

Luke stood up from Calum's bed, that him and Mia were sleeping in last night and walked to the front door not even taking the time to put on a pair of trousers. Although he was still half asleep, he knew it was Calum at the door and he knew he was drunk, he just didn't know why he'd be so early knocking on his door or why he was drunk.

"I love you, Luke. I love you so so much." Calum rushed into the house and hugged Luke leaving him more than just confused.

"Um, thanks?" He tapped his back and rested his chin on his shoulder not quite sure how to react. "May I know why you're drunk, especially so early?" he asked after they let off the hug and Calum sat himself on the couch.

"It's a girl, Luke! I will get a daughter!" Calum shouted at him and hid his face in his hands, making Luke frustrated with him. He knew that this couldn't be something serious, Calum was just so immature. Sure, a lot of people prefer a son over a daughter, but getting drunk at 6 am becuase of that was ridiculous.

"Oh, damn." Ashton suddenly made them both look up at him, standing with messy hair and a bad headache on the top of the stairs. "What did I do?" he asked while he walked uneasy down the stairs and went with a hand over his tired

"Calum, you will fucking stop drinking that." Luke turned fastly back to Calum ignoring Ashton for a moment. "And I will tell you this once - Some people would give everything to be on your place, it's really not fair from you to cry becuase you'll get a daughter instead of a son. Go get a coffee and wait for me in the kitchen." he took the bottle from him and claped his bum when he stood up, making him go into the kitchen.

Ashton looked confused at them but yet sat himself down next to Luke. Meanwhile he remembered why he was here, to talk with him, and now when he wasn't drunk anymore it was the perfect moment. "First - "

"No, I'll talk." even though it was only like six or seven in the morning, right now Luke was full of energy and found the right words to tell. "I know why you are here." he started off and bent over, this was going to be a long speech. "I'm fine with you and Bridget, sure, it is weird but I'm really not upset." he rubbed his eyes with his palms and looked shortly at Ashton before he went on. "If you guys are happy with each other, than I am even more happy. Yeah, we are friends, and yes it's against the 'Bro Code', but fuck it." Luke rambled on and lost himself fastly. "If you love her, and she loves you, then the Bro Code can't stop you. I will be at the wedding, and goddamn yell and applaud becuase I'm happy for you. I'm happy me and Bridget are over it and enough mature to keep in touch. It'd be dumb to end our friendship together with our divorce." he looked at Ashton who was listening to him and waited for him to went on. "It's okay you came to talk with me, but there is nothing to discuss about. I'll be there on the 15th January when you guys become happy for the rest your lives." he finished off and tapped Ashton's shoulder with a proud smile on his face.

"Thank you." Ashton said almost whispering and cleared his troath that became so sore in the past few minutes of him not speaking.

"That's being understood." Luke chuckled and stood up tapping Ashton's back again. He wasn't quite sure everything he said was true, but it'd eventually be sooner or later.

"I-I think I should call Thomas now and leave, Bridget must've been worried to death." Ashton stood up and looked at his watch.

"Sure, sure." Luke whiped his nose and followed him to the front door.

"I will see all of you on the 15th, right?" Ashton turned around just as he was about to exit and smiled at Luke. Luke bit on his lip and nodded his head, at this moment he felt so good and couldn't wait for the wedding to come. "Thank you, again." Ashton said softly and made his way down the stairs. Luke waved at him and said a fast goodbye.

It was more than a good feeling to get things done, now he only had to put into Calum's head that a daughter is just as good as a son, maybe even better. With her cute pigtails and dresses and when you can teach her how to play video games and make her love all guys' stuff, at least that's what Luke'd do with his daughter.


okay this is short ik ik but after such a long time I updated and I'm so happy becuase my laptop came

i will update almost every day from now on so yay ;)

comment PLEASE what you think of this k ily

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