19. Don't be scared, I'm with you.

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Chapter 19.

Don't be scared, I'm with you.

That day, I remember my mom and dad had a fight.
I remember their dull voices as they argued over something and that made me feel guilty.
as the knock on my bedroom's door was heard, I knew it was dad, so I opened quickly.
"Hey doll," he says, not looking at me.
He looks somehow angry, trying to calm himself from all the noise.
"Hey dad." I say as I look at him until he looks up.
"I canceled your flight." He gives me a small closed smile.
"Thanks dad." I wrap my arms around his body, "you're the best." I whisper to him.
Since I remember myself, my dad was closer to me than how my mom was with me.
She would always go to work and I could barely see her, but dad was there for me, and the fact that he accepts me as I am, with the people around me, just makes me cherish him more.
We pull away after a few seconds and look at each other.
"I hope Chan will win this time." I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks whenever my dad talks about Chan with me.

I nod while I smile a glowing smile at dad.
"I know he's important to you, kid." He's lightly squeezing my shoulder as I stop nodding.
"You do?" my slow smile that builds as the surprise sinks in is a surprised one.
"I do." He says quietly, winking.
"As long as you're happy with someone, don't listen to anyone else, your feelings are precious. Have fun at the game, my flight to North Carolina is tonight, so I came to tell you-"
"Wait, aren't you guys going together this Friday?" maybe that's why mom was so angry today...
"Apparently something came up at work, so I need to be there by tomorrow's morning." I hugged my dad again and he kissed my cheek while patting my head, as the night came again, I found myself resting on my bed, awake, thinking about this Friday as I heard my dad leaving again, for the next few months.

My relationship with my grandparents hadn't been so close since I was little, they came to visit only twice in all the years, so I barely remember their faces, plus, they were never close to my dad as well, since he did everything by himself and with my mom's help, since he met her.
but something had happened between them in the last year, and so my uncle-my father's brother, invited us to my grandmother's birthday.
So I was not sorry about canceling the flight, even though my mother had to be there, but who knows for whom and what it is so urgent for her to be there...

That night, I fell asleep with the brightest idea I recently thought of.

The next morning, I called Eva and told her about Chan's tournament this Friday, she got really excited and I couldn't save the excitement in me, so we thought about meeting up at Minty's with Ver and Soonyoung without telling Chan about it.
But before I walked out of my house, I had to call Chan to ask him about how he's feeling today.
I was lacing my snickers, while with the help of my shoulder I hold my phone against my ear and hear Chan's enthusiastic voice.
"Hey Noonim! I'm on my way to- wait... huh, nae?" he started so happily, but in the middle of his talking, a Korean voice was heard in the background.
It's a girly voice talking in Korean.
"Noona, can I call you later?" I hear him saying while she asks him something in Korean, my hearts rate increases as I try to imagine him with someone.
He's so happy.
I sigh, try to think of something else and not him being with someone.
"Oh, yeah, I just wanted to ask you how you feel today-" I say to stop thinking, but his voice is heard as fast as I try to finish my sentence, "I'll call you later, promise. Bye Nooni."
I'm staring at the phone screen as the call ends, our picture is there, set as a picture for his contact.
That's weird... he sounds happy, and as if he's not sick anymore...
I tried to forget about the weird conversation I just had with Chan as I walked out of my house to Minty's.
I tried to think about how I'm going to tell the guys about the idea I had for this Friday, and without realizing it I'm already near Minty's, I see Eva's running out of Minty's to greet me with her crazy jumpy hug.
"Lily girl! I missed ya!" she's squeaking while I pull away, the guys are already inside, waving at me.
"I missed you too," I smile at her, I knew the heartache will be replaced within a few moments with my friends, but the fact that this meeting is only for Chan, is kind of funny.
I hug Ver and then Soonyoung and we sit around our regular table we always sat around together.
"So, what is it, lily girl?" Ver is placing his hands on the table.
"You aware of Chan's game this Friday, right?" they all nod with their heads.

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