23. Christmas Eve and us.

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Chapter 23.

Christmas eve and us.

He offers his hand, with such a warm look inside his eyes, Chan made her heart dance.

That look of his could make her give up on everything at once, as if there was a secret spell within those slanted eyes, as if every single time he knew how to put that spell on her in the right way he knew would work.

"Give me your hand, Noona."

She places her hand in his, such a warm hand holding her cold hand.

"My mom always says, the one with the cold hands is the one who owns a warm heart." Chan says with a smile, she nods, she's suddenly so silent and shy.

They start walking slowly away from her house, hand in hand, hearts beating crazily from the new atmosphere in the air on such a night.

It's Christmas eve and you're holding my hand as if you're my boyfriend.
"It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be." She says with a giggly tone.
"Your dad loves me." Chan says with such a proud look on his face, "so everything feels so natural... although... I was a little nervous to ask him-"
"Well, it's not like you've asked him to take me as your wife." She laughs about it, and as Chan tried to laugh about it as well, he couldn't.
He smiled silently and nodded slowly.
He turns his head to look at her and stops walking.

Their eyes are shining while they're looking at each other with such admiration.

"I want to spend this Christmas eve with you because of something, but I can't tell you about that right now." He says sincerely.

"Alright? Would you tell me about it later?" She asks in a giggly way.

Holding his hand tightly.
"Yeah, I guess."

He turns his head to the open road as they continue walking, hand in hand.

Wait... what does that even mean for us?

The weird closeness between us is so new to me, but it feels kind of natural and yet, there's this excitement inside my stomach as I look down at our hands.

"What?" Chan giggles, "Hm?" I look up to find him looking at me,
"Did you say something?" He asks, I shake my head.

"Hm." He hums, turns his head to look ahead.

What if he heard my thoughts?

What if she heard my thoughts?

They're both thinking.

As we both reach to the crossroad we stop and look at the cars pass by us.

"Let's do something we haven't done yet." I say as I lean on his shoulder.

His heart froze for a second from her leaning so freely on his shoulder.

"And what is it?" try to act natural, Chan.
His eyes meet mine, with a curious look on his face, he asks.

"Let's..." I say while I'm thinking about what to say,

"Let's..." he leans in and mimics the expression I wear on my face, "Let's go to a club!"

Chan's eyes lit in the dark and I already saw his agreement through his eyes before his lips curled into the sweetest smile.

"Yo, we've never really been in a club together, alone." He says as he takes his phone out of his jeans pocket and looks down at the screen.

"Mhm!" I nod in agreement, "can you search for a club-?"

"I'm working on it."

The telepathy worked, and the excitement inside of me was bubbling.

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