30. My soldier is back.

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Chapter 30.

My soldier is back.

I was desperately in love with Chan all this time, but as I found out I was really left alone, the thought of how he could do anything to enlist the next few years was making something inside me to be not sure anymore.

Not sure of what?

That's right, I only waited to be with him after all these years, I wanted to be his, I wanted him to be mine, but as I cancelled my own plans because of him, I expected the same from him.

Knowing he could do the same but he chose differently, was making me so unsure about us.

As if something made my heart to crack, I isolated myself from everyone, I stopped answering Eva's calls, though she was calling me only once a week, I started living the new life I told Chan I'll live, once he'll be away.

I found myself focused on my work and sleep, everyday went pretty much the same, since Chan left.

I haven't talked too much about anything, I was busy with my own life and time passed by too quickly.

I felt needy and alone at times I really needed his voice to comfort me, I missed him but I knew I won't let myself fall because of him being away, I've been seeing Eva and Soonyoung a few times a week, at times I didn't have so much work at the cafe because of Andrew's flights to NYC, the cafe was closed and by that time we found ourselves together again, obviously, something was missing when we were together.

By that time, we visited Chan's parents on weekends, sharing memories and laughter with our missing hearts, I've been having the same feelings lately, these two last months before Chan's return home.

I've been feeling unsure of Chan's return. I thought something will change him and he won't be mine again, something made me think unnecessary thoughts as I fought with them in my mind.

These six months had been like a long ride on a rollercoaster without knowing when I'll get off from it, nor when it'll stop to get some air for my suffocated lungs.

Six months had passed without Chan, but I never knew when I'd really see him with my eyes, in front of me.

At first, it was so hard for Chan to be alone and so far from his loving family and friends, especially her, who he calls his family.

The one he'd always go to, was far from him.

Yet, he never doubted his decision on joining the Korean army, it was a part of his heart since he was a kid, to serve his own country, he never really shared that secret he held inside his heart with her, he never showed how his heart wanted to be a part of it, and as he found himself there as a soldier, he realized it's been a dream for him all this time.

When he received the first enlistment letter from South Korea, he sat with his dad and discussed about it and about her, especially about his feelings for her.
That was when he decided to buy her the promise ring, so he'd be calm to know she'll always be his.

His dad knew if he'd ignore the letter, another one will be sent in a couple of months, and so it happened.

The second time he hadn't thought twice about it and signed in to join the army.

He knew she'd get mad at him, but he also knew she'll wait for him.

And so, Chan found himself as a trainee, in the Korean navy training base for the first three-months.

After these three months, he was transferred to the naval base in Busan.

There, he started his new life.

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