39. Message not sent.

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Chapter 39.

Message not sent.

Chan isolated himself up in his bedroom, no light, no food, not a single reply to his parents.

His dad assumed it was something about his relationship with the dimpled girl, but he decided to give him a little space.
Hyun-jin knew from the day he went for the army, that she won't be the same anymore for his hyung. Hyun-jin was right.

Chan was cursing and sobbing in the silence of the night, Chan was sitting on his bed and looked at their pictures on his phone.

It was a fucking mistake to leave your room. I shouldn't have agreed to take a break, but what else can I do now?

What is it that makes us be apart?
There's a lot of lucky guys in my base I know their girlfriends are still waiting for them, why can't we be as normal as them?

Do you think it's the end of our story?

Why am I crying so hard, if it's not?

'Take my ring back, please' her voice played inside his head as a broken record that rewind itself, he couldn't stop it, so he threw himself on his bed and cried until he fell asleep.

If that's how you felt when I first left, then I'm sorry from the bottom of my broken heart, I know that no matter where you'll be, I'll find you and we'll fall together again.

Two years in North Carolina, while I'll be in South Korea, I know we'll find each other again.
But as Chan had the faith in his broken heart, he had doubts about their come back.

Late on that night, as it turned to the 13th of February already, I went out and walked to Chan's house for the last time.

My flight to North Carolina is in a few hours and everything is already prepared, the suitcases are packed and I'm emotionally ready to leave everything behind me to start my new life, but I knew I had to do this to let go of everything, so I left the promise ring he gave me, inside an envelope, in his mail box.

I couldn't stop myself from looking up to check his bedroom's window, but as everything was dark and not a single light came from the house, I assumed he was already asleep, so I left, for the last time.

There was a letter inside the envelope with the ring inside of it.
The next morning, Chan's dad will see it in the mailbox and he'll see it, I hope it won't hurt as much as it hurt me to write these words down.

To; Chan. Lee Chan.

"Chan ah.
After all the words I told you, after all we've already been through, that is all what comes to my mind.
You were the sweetest, you were like a dream come true, but every dream must end. I wish I could say that I'm sorry for everything that happened to us lately, you've made my youth brighter at moments.

You were the sweetest.

I'm sorry to break my promise, but you broke it first.

I really loved you.
live well, I hope our relationship made you realize you must take care of your loved one's when they put you first.

I really loved you, I'm sorry for hurting you like that, take care.

-Hailee Collins, the girl who used to sketch you inside her sketch book."

My dad was waiting for me in his car as I took my last suitcase down, I looked back as I left my room, all of our memories together will stay there forever, but I'm going to leave them now.

"Take care of Antonio." That's what I asked from mom to do, she hugged me and the last words I told her were; I broke up with Chan.
She looked at me and gave me that little sad smile, "I'm sorry you had to do that, but I wish you the best." She whispered to me.

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