1. A- A start.

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Chapter 1.

A. A Start.

If you knew we would meet in a few years, far from what we are now, what would you do?
Would you cross some boundary so that we could be together, even if it wasn't possible?
Would you reach out and take my hand to bring back the 13th month?

February 8th; 2021.

The gravitational attraction between us is hard to ignore, even after all this time, your gravity is pulling me closer again, while I'm turning away from you like I'm using the other side of the magnet to stay away from you, but you pull me closer all over again, and I am yours once more.

His lips were red and mine were so swollen from his.
I knew his plan was to stay a bit inside the visitor's room inside Eva's house while he cleaned the mess that he actually made himself.

The kisses stain on his neck.

They say that the person you liked at your sixteen,
will have an impact on you all your lifetime.
I heard it from the Chinese movie I once watched.

Me and Chan are at our friend's visitors room.
We're exes.
Me and Chan, we have a history together, yet, we're here, staring at each other like we used to.
You missed me; I know that.
His eyes glinting, looking at me.
Two years since we broke up and I moved to North Carolina, my hometown, two years since I last saw you and our friends, the one's I spent my teenage years with.
Soonyoung, Vernon, Eva and... last but not least, Him.
The special one I keep to the end.
The Asian boy named Chan.
I already said we have some history together, me and him.
He used to call us Chunli once, but now, we're nameless.
We're Lee and Chan.
We're nothing, yet, we're exes... or at least that's what I thought, before I came to Eva's house after two years of not seeing her, I see him here in the living room, sitting with Ver and Eva, shocked as I am.
He took me to the visitor's room after telling me we got some unfinished business since we broke up.
Without saying much, I already saw it in his eyes.
The intensity inside those dark-brown slanted eyes.
Our eye contact lingered on and on, for some long moments, we stood in the middle of the visitors room and stared at each other.
He had his hairstyle up, unlike to what he used to have when he was with me, his hair was blonde, but the roots of his hair were black, his natural black. He dressed as if he's going to some luxurious party, black skinny jeans with buttoned leopard printed shirt- tugged well in.
I tried to swallow the pain as I looked at him and his broad shoulders.
I left him as the kid he was back then, the kid that grew up with me, by my side, but now... now he's a man, resembles his dad's face features so much, it made my heart ache.
oh, I know how much you missed me; he was speaking with his serious gaze.

Everything had changed in these two years, I've found someone in NC, someone who made me think I was born for him. Brian.
But I didn't expect seeing my ex, here, inside Eva's house before her birthday party.

And just then, it started all over again.
I couldn't stand still, my knees weaken from his gaze, from the thought of leaving him, breaking his heart, as if all of what happened two years ago on the day we broke up, came right back to me in one moment.
it took a second to vanish from my mind.
"Didn't you miss me?" I watched him biting his lower lip after asking me that question.
I giggle, he takes a step closer.
"Didn't you hear my question?" he points his chin at me while asking.
I look aside as another giggle is running out of my mouth.
"When did you become so cruel, Noona? The fucking fact that you own a boyfriend means that you can ignore my endless calls, letters? Do I look like a fucking fool to you?" his angry, lower tone is making me bring my gaze back to him to see him standing close to me, I sigh as I look at his face closely.
"I've been through a lot." I say.
He listens, nods with his head, hands behind his back, he stands like a soldier.
"I needed time and space, and I needed my mind clean from-" I try to explain, but here Chan comes in again, he never changed.
"From me." He says, nodding.
I'm silent.
"But you found another in no time, I guess." He says, still nodding to himself.
He looks pissed, I'd like to think I read him wrongly.
"I've been through a lot." I say again.
He bursts out laughing, looking inside my eyes.
"Answer my question. Lee." His eyes watch me viciously.
Lee. My heart aches.
Didn't you miss me?
My eyes flicker.
"I have missed you." I couldn't lie, my mouth couldn't lie to him while looking into his slanted eyes. My first love.
Three seconds of silence while staring at each other, before he pinned my body against the wall behind me to make me feel sudden pain.
He smirks against my lips as my hands find their way up straight to his hair.
I've missed you so fucking much.
I knew nothing about what I had left behind me, I knew nothing while I had him against my body, breathing my scent in.
He kisses me.
Something in me froze and couldn't let go of him, of his touch, of his lips that felt like home, the most familiar feeling I've ever had, I couldn't stop him.
My blood is pumping, his hand grips on my waist as the sounds of our kisses is all these four walls can hear.
Titling his head while kissing me crazily, he's breathing in the kiss.
"Why?" he asks between kisses, "Why did you leave me?"
and all I could do was to kiss hungrily his lips, that made him pull me closer at once, his lips falling greedily from my lips to my jawline, and from there, his tongue licks all the way to my collarbones, he made me sigh and grip on his hair tight.
"I wish I could go back and make you mine at the very first moment I saw you." Chan was talking against my skin with his wet lips, sucking on my skin while I'm lifting the bra strap that had slipped down from my shoulder.
He cradles my face in his hands and looks inside my eyes.
"Tell me you wish the same." He smashes his mouth to mine before I could say anything else.
2014. June. The first time I saw you, me, fifteen years old- Lee Chan. You were standing there, near the gate of your school, laughing as the happiest girl alive, Noona, your dimpled smile got me weak in my knees as I looked at you.
You were different, with those round sexy glasses on, a loose bun that looked so adorable, your appearance told others you're innocent, but in my eyes, Noona, you looked so fun to be around... I found myself so attracted to your presence, as you were holding a notebook while walking with your... I assume it was your teacher, he looked like one, dressed formal, but you... something in you made me stay a little longer and just look at you, try to hear your laughter amongst the background noises.
You never noticed I noticed you first. What made me look at you, while I was in such a hurry for my tennis practice?
You caught my attention, with that aura of yours being so sweet by doing... nothing, it felt like falling in love at first sight, I didn't know how to believe my eyes, then, I just kept on walking, until the day fate brought us together.

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