28. Don't change, girlfriend.

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Chapter 28.

Don't change, girlfriend.

That day, we both went out of my house to Andre's café, but before we left, my dad suggested to stay for breakfast, of course... mom didn't say a word except giving me that long look of her's while she sipped from black coffee.
Chan thought of staying, but as soon as I took his hand in front of my parents, no other word except "goodbye" came out through my lips and I dragged Chan out after me, with no more questions, we found ourselves on our way to work.

Days passed by me without thinking about Chan's imminent departure, without asking too many questions about his military service in the country where he was born.
I was more concerned with my work than my thoughts on him and us.
Nevertheless, my dad had to return to North Carolina again after one month of staying here and not after three months as he would normally stay, something in his business slowly began to deteriorate, I noticed it when I heard his and Mom's conversations but I never thought of sticking my nose in their conversations, as I didn't want them to do so while I dealt with my own business.

One day, Eva came to me after a long time she hadn't visited me, we sat and chatted about certain things, we checked a few universities and before she left, she hugged me and then waved goodbye to my mom, I didn't think she would say too much, but I was wrong.

"Chan's leaving for his military service in South Korea, so Mrs. Collins, you'll see my face quite a lot from now on!" Eva was laughing, but it hurt me as if she had just shot me right in the center of my heart.

My mom knew nothing about this, since I haven't talked to her about Chan at all, and it wasn't in my plans to tell her about all of this, it came out by mistake and my mom only nodded without saying anything, I knew once Eva is out of my house, she'll start talking.

"It happened faster than I thought." She said with her arms on her chest as I closed the door.
I hummed in reply.
"I hope you're not sad. Lee." These words made me laugh and nod.

"I guess that's why you and Chan's dad broke up." I look at my mom, her face expression changes as if she now realizes what I said.
"We broke up because of some other circumstances but it's a nice guess, you're a smart girl-"
"Heard that before," I cut her voice off as I walk to the kitchen to drink some water.

"And smart girls like you... supposed to pick smart guys."
My jaw clenched to the way she says that as I drink water and stand with my back to her.

"Smart like Noah?"
"No, Lee. You always bring Noah up as if he's the only man in the whole wide world."
I turn around at once, "Am I the one who always brings him up?" I place the glass on the kitchen counter and look at her as I point at myself.

"I hope you're happy now that Chan will be away from me, that's all you ever wanted anyways." I walk pass by her quickly, on my way upstairs to my bedroom, not ready to listen to her voice again, but her voice had stopped me as her words ran into my mind.

"I got pregnant with Jin-Seok's child, Lee. By that time, Chan's dad had a fight with his parents over me, he knew nothing about the pregnancy, but his mother found a Korean girl within a week, that was insane for me, and he couldn't say anything to his parents. He couldn't stop the arranged marriage by that time. He broke up with me right after his engagement with Chan's mom and everything happened just like in the movies, I had my breakdown which lead to a miscarriage. My parents took me to North Carolina for a trip there, then I met Owen after a while. I never wanted to tell you about what I've been going through because since I saw their traditional ways of getting married only to the one's they're related to, I told myself that my kids won't waste their time on someone they don't deserve just to get a scar from them. But fate played well on you. please don't make the mistakes I've already made. He could enlist next year since he lives far from Korea, but he decided to go now, I am not saying you should break up, but you already cancelled your entrance exam because of him. I will accept your relationship only if you'll promise me, you'll be safe with him."

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