32. You changed me.

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Chapter 32.

You changed me.

After the crazy night we had at the beach, Chan drove me back to my house.
We laughed about random stuff while he was driving back, but I had the thought about him, not using protection this time, it was bothering my mind all the way through this night, as the second thing came; his phone was showing text messages every five-minutes, until he pulled over in front of the door to my yard.

He was focused on our conversations as I was getting curious about who was texting him.
As I kissed him good-bye, before I left the car, he gave me the basket and told me it was for me.
I took it without looking inside, as the question that was swimming inside my head escaped from my mouth.
"Who's texting you? it looks so urgent."
Chan looked down at his phone that was lit again with a message.
"Oh, it's from Korea, apparently my friends... we have a group chat, so they send some stuff there."

It said the same Korean name that popped on the phone screen, sending him some hearty emoji's in the middle of the night. I said nothing, but I remembered exactly how the name was written on his phone.

"I'll see you tomorrow. I love you." Chan said, as I looked at him with his hands on the steering wheel, I pushed the door open and waved at him as I walked out.

"I love you more." I say, slamming the door of the car.
He laughed, raising his pinkie finger up, "Stop lying. Good night Noona."
I did the same, until he started driving away, I looked how he speeded up and disappeared from my sight.

That night, as I walked inside my house, my mom was sitting with her computer in the kitchen with her coffee, she coughed as she saw me walking in, tiptoeing.
"Goodness! You scared me!" my heart was racing from seeing her face lit from her computer screen in the dark kitchen.

"It's three in the morning, Lee, where have you been?" she's looking at her computer screen, clicking on her mouse a few times.
"Chan took me to the beach."
"Well, I get it you both are crazy people. What did you do there?"
"We had a beach date-" I walk to the kitchen and place the basket on the kitchen counter.
"Cut it. with a hickey like yours, I'm sure you had the greatest time."
I hold my breath.
"You know I can say nothing to you anymore, right? But you're wasting your time, you could take the entrance exam instead of going through the whole depression period you had because of him leaving you alone, right?"
"I love him." I sigh out loud as I take the wine and box of chocolate out of the basket, but there's another thing as I touch the inside the basket. There was a letter in an envelope.
"This love is toxic if it messes with your mental health." I listened to her words and I heard how she cared for me. I couldn't say anything; I came behind her and kissed her cheek before I walked upstairs to wash myself.

Thinking endlessly about this night, I couldn't forget how he made me feel inside his dad's car, how pleased I was, but how hurt he made me feel for leaving again for a longer period.

I sat in front of my computer as Antonio climbed on my lap and I patted its head, I wrote down the name I remembered from Chan's messages, in Korean.

My heart stopped for a mere second as a name appeared on my computer screen; Jenna.
He told me that's from a group chat, but that name is apparently a girl's name.
I stared at that name and then shut the computer off, I throwed myself on my bed and closed my eyes, but pictures from our night creeped into my mind as I closed my eyes each time, that night.
I couldn't get them out of my head, these pictures of us, making love into the night.
I placed my hand under my pillow, feeling the envelope with Chan's letter.

His love was something that kept me going on and on at moments I wanted everything to end.

I couldn't find myself without seeing or hearing him near me, I was reborn on the day I met him, but he changed me so much, the fact that he left me when he had the option to stay beside me in a time like this, in our beginning as a couple, was killing me.

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