33. Noona, you've changed.

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Chapter 33.

Noona, you've changed.

December 20th, 2018.

2nd Christmas without you.

1 Year, 1 month and three weeks since Chan had left, in less than two months he'll be home again, in my arms again, at least that's what I thought- until my phone started to ring with Chan's dads phone number on my phone screen.

I was on my way home when he called me, his enthusiastic voice was a bit strange this time and I wondered why;

"Hello there, dimpled girl."
"Hello father, how are you?" I walk down the street while I take out the keys from my backpack.
"Well I'm great, thank you. how are you?"
"I'm too tired from work, is everything alright?" just as I put the key inside the door, my hand falls as I realize his words.

"Chan sent us a letter, he wrote for you in it as well. I want you to come here to read it, it's quite important."

I didn't think twice and agreed. I told him I would be there in less than ten minutes, the longing for Chan made me completely blind, I found myself in a place I could do everything for him, while all he could do was send a letter to his parents and write for me in the same letter.

I felt hurt and didn't know what to expect, especially when his father's tone was different from previous times.

She was sitting in the traditional Korean kitchen inside Chan's house while his father sat by her, his wife wasn't home nor Chan's little brother.
It's just the two of them, the first ones to read this letter.

She sits still and holds the letter with her slightly shaking hands, the letter that was sent from the South Korean army.
Chan's father drinks the green tea he made a few minutes ago when she arrived while she hasn't touched her cup of tea yet.

Letter was sent on 12/11/2018.

"To my dear parents, my little brother and the one I dearly love, Noona.
Sailor Lee Joong-chan wants to give you through this letter all the hugs and kisses you've missed all this time I wasn't there by your side, mom, dad, I am healthy, and I am okay. My friends are here by my side, were eating and sleeping well, life here seems to be so different from the life I have back home.
Don't worry too much about me, I am okay and happy in the place I am, although I am missing the home, I miss you, parents, and I miss Noona!

Please show this letter to her or at least send it to her through a text or something!
Noona, I am sorry from the bottom of my heart, I couldn't write you a letter because we weren't allowed until now, and now as I write this, I believe you already realized that I am allowed to write and send only one letter, so I decided to write for all of my dear ones.
Two main reasons to this letter;

Show the longing I have within me for you and tell you that I am okay and healthy here.
And to tell you something important about my military service.

Each night, I pray for my dear ones to stay healthy and happy just as I am, here on the vessel.
Each night I am looking to the horizon and think of you, Noona, all of our times together, our laugher and our jokes, our great love and our promises.
You promised me you won't change, and I believe you with all of my heart. I miss you so much, Noona, I miss you just as I miss my mom and my dad, and of course, Hyun-jinnie~
I am happy than ever, I just want you to know that, I am happy in this place and yesterday was the happiest day ever.
Your birthday, Noona, your 20th birthday. The 11th day of December, the last month of the year, but everytime I remember it's the last month, our 13th month jumps right inside my head to correct me it isn't.
Our love is what I call the 13th month, because we'd shared a lot and experienced things I can't describe or feel, in the 12 months of the year, as I felt with you. you brought a new place to my life, and this place where we share our love is where this 13th month is existing.

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