16. A- A one in a million.

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Chapter 16.

A . A one in a million.

That night was one of the best nights I've ever had.
The whole place was on fire!
You could hear the beats of the songs mixing with your own heart beats, making you lose your breath only by looking at the beautiful, huge mansion I see in front of my eyes.
Noah paid for the driver before we all got out of the taxi.
Eva is speechless, and Chan is looking at Soonyoung while Soonyoung is swaying to the beats in the background.
The whole place is full of twinkling dresses and hot American guys, it's totally Eva's night...
"Woah, wait bro... wait..." Ver is slamming the door of the taxi.
"It's fucking Beverly hills!" Eva is shouting, "Noah bro, I don't know how to even-" Vernon is jumping, smacking Noah's shoulder while Noah laughs and nods.
I look at Noah's face expression, "No problem bro." Noah's gaze is turning at me at once.
"Wow this place is lit." Soonyoung is looking at the 3rd floor mansion.
"How do we even get in?" I ask, Chan is looking at me while Noah is laughing, "Ah, it's simple." Eva is shrugging her shoulders, I watch her as she takes my hand and starts running, I couldn't even say anything, so I ran with her.
Chan looked at us, while he giggles at our two shadows that are disappearing into the lights of the mansion.
"These girls..." Ver is saying, "are my family, my whole life..." placing his hand on his heart and faking a crying face while he's looking ahead,
"Shut up." Chan is hitting his shoulder while Soonyoung is dying from the laughter.
Eva and I stopped at the entry of the mansion, which was secured with two hot bodyguards, they actually looked like party hosts but whatever.
Eva is looking at me, winking with her eye as she's getting ready to do her famous pose, she was getting turned on by the faces and the atmosphere, I watch how she's getting high and I can't help it, I feel as if I'm in the best dream ever.
It says 9909 on the metal sign near the gates to the mansion, I look behind and see the boys are coming, a few meters from us, my heart is accelerating as I hear the boys from behind, coming with fast strides.
"Let's wait for them." I try to whisper to Eva, but she's not interested in listening, she's smiling at the bodyguard.
"Invitations please-" the guys are saying in sync.
Invitations? Oh.
Suddenly my world stops from the warmth feeling that covers me at once, two warm hands are placed on my shoulders, and as I turn around I see Noah's big smile and eyes, he's looking at me for a second, squeezes my shoulders and looks up.
As Chan's eyes caught that moment of Noah's hands on my shoulders, his eyes widen at once and he stopped in the middle of the road while Soonyoung kept on walking fast, Vernon after him, but Chan is standing there.
I saw it.
Eva's smile disappears as she sees Noah's hands on my shoulders as he stands behind me, close to my body.
"Chan-ah... Oh? Chan-!" Soonyoung is calling for him, turning around to see his friend kneeling down, pretending to be lacing his shoes.
Soonyoung and Vernon are coming towards us.
"I'm Jamie's friend, Noah Norberg."
One of the bodyguards is looking at the other, lifting his eyebrow, seems like the name Noah Norberg rings so familiar to his ears.
As Chan is pretending to lace his shoes, he let a few curses out of his mouth, but something makes him raise his head up to meet my eyes.
His body shivers, so is hers.
His breath is taken away as he looks at his Noona, standing a few meters from him with those hands of another man on her shoulders.
I am your date, but no one knows about that, well fuck that shit, I am your date.
I look at him for a few seconds, and that's making him straighten his back and start walking towards us in a fast pace.

Uncontrollable breath, uncontrollable heartbeat.
I look back at the bodyguard who's telling something to the other one and the gates of the mansion opens with only one press on the button that is on the wall.
"Did you see that button? Hahaha!" Soonyoung was laughing by himself as Eva and Vernon are entering the mansion.
Soonyoung look back to see Chan's running, but Soonyoung keeps on walking since he notices Chan's gaze is on something else.
On her, as usual.
"Thanks." Noah is high fiving the bodyguards and drags me inside, but my body isn't moving as I look at Chan running toward our direction.
Noah is turning around to see what I am looking at.
"Well, I'll be inside." Noah quickly turns to me, squeezes my shoulder and enters.
Chan stops running as he reaches the destination next to me.
"Am I your secret date or what? Why did you wait?" Chan looks at me with his clenched jaw.
"Because you're my date." I tease him, poking his button nose, but his hand is flying to stop me right in the middle.
I pout but start laughing from the way he looks, I'm shaking my head from side to side.
Stop playing with my heart, Noona.

"Are you into that Noah guy-?" His sharp gaze is cutting my thoughts right in the middle.
"If I was into him, you'd see me walking inside with him." I roll my eyes as I slide my hand in his quietly as I look ahead and like this, with Chan's hand in mine, we enter the mansion.
The blue little waterfall on the wall catches my eyes as we enter inside, the music is playing in the background and my heart fills with excitement as I hold Chan's hand.

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