21. The secret of my mom and your dad.

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Chapter 21.

The secret of my mom and your dad.

That summer night, Lee had some plans on going to eat dinner with her co-workers, Chan called her and asked where she is, because when he arrived to her house, he noticed her room had no light, although it was at the hour she is usually back home.

She told him she's having a night out with her coworkers.
A week after, she had another movie night out with her coworker and his girl mates, Chan and Soonyoung were together that night and Chan decided to call his Noona as Soonyoung dared him to do so, but as she answered, the male voices in the background made him suspect, but their call ended as she told him she's with her coworkers again.

For the third time, Chan was there after she told him she had some plans with her coworkers, him being busy with school graduation and his tennis practices, all of this made him feel so alone.

With his helmet on his head, waiting for his noona outside the cafe she'd been working at, he saw her laughing with the guys that were working with her, and that was it for him.

He left the helmet on his motorbike, crossing the street fast with such a fierce look on his face, she had no idea what was going on, but as he grabbed her by her arm, her shocked face expression spread all over her face.

"Chan-ah!" she shouts in her happy voice,

"Noona, I need you for a while." Chan was serious, it made her new friends to stop laughing and just stare at the two.

"We need to go somewhere-" she's telling him but he's stopping her, dragging her to the other side of the street, but she's stopping him from walking.
He's turning around to face her, yelling out in a whispered tone;

"It's so not fair you see them for 10 hours and then you end up hanging out with these guys! Noona! They're obviously into you!"

"You're exaggerating, Chan," she dares to laugh.

He huffs.

"We're only coworkers-"

"You're the only girl amongst them!"

"So what? They're like my family-"

He rolls his eyes.

"Stop saying that."

"What's wrong with you?"

He sighs angrily, looking deep into my eyes.

"Chan, what's got into you?" I'm asking in a laughing tone, that made me laugh so much because he was exaggerating.

"I've missed you, Noona."

"What?" his words are making me weak.

"I barely see you..."

"What the hell? we see each other almost every day-" for five minutes?

His arms were wrapped around my body at once, his breath tickled my neck.

"I fucking missed you."

"I... I missed you too?"

"Don't go with other guys."


"I'm so into punishing you right now."

"Go for it."

"Beg for it."

"You're funny. Chan, we're in the middle of the street." I'm pulling away from his hug to look at him.
"I'm serious." He's deadly serious.

"Yeah? What are you going to do? Steal me away?"
"You're giving me the best ideas-"

"Yo! Lee! What's going on? Are you coming or not!?" Daniel's voice cut off Chan's voice within a second as he yelled towards our direction.

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