24. Christmas will always remind me of you.

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Chapter 24.

Christmas will always remind me of you.

25th of December 2016.

Us, under the ceiling of your bedroom with the Christmas lights on our bodies.
That Christmas was full of surprises, I didn't know about anything that would happen between me and you, but I knew I couldn't stop myself from admiring you with my shining eyes.
I didn't know it was mutual, until that moment in your bedroom.

I always thought you considered me as your best friend, the one you would always go to and tell secrets to, but I never thought you'd look at me like that, with your slanted shining eyes in your candled bedroom.
I was already eighteen while you were two months before you turn eighteen.
I didn't know how to teach you about love, but I guess we learned about it together.

Every moment with you was as if we lived in that 13th month, the one that didn't existed in the normal world, but only in ours.

The cafe was full of people this day, but all my mind was thinking about is Chan, how we spent yesterday's night together, drinking and laughing together, I thought about the time he would come and take me to his home and how we will spend this night today, I thought about watching a movie and having snacks over real dinner with him, I thought about millions of things, but never on that one thing we ended up doing.
I remembered to pack my pajama for tonight since I'll be staying at his place for the first time, if it was at Eva's place I would probably go without a bag, because she already had my clothes in her place.
Wearing the promise ring Chan gave me yesterday was making me feel strange, it made me feel so excited about each thought I had on him.
My best friend, Chan.

That day, I didn't have time to change my barista uniform because Chan came to the café as my evening shift had ended, and we headed to his house.
We talked a lot about our first Christmas eve together alone, because the previous holidays were different, neither of us were free to spend it together.
We laughed all the way to his house, bringing our past together, joking around about things that left us breathless.
I told my mother I am staying at Eva's place after work, so she'll be calm about me not coming home tonight.

Chan's house was decorated with Christmas lights and toys, the Christmas tree lit the whole first floor and the cozy vibes hit my soul.
I feel home.
The warmth of home, the love around me, the shared laughter.
I felt as if I was so deeply in love with the person I share my Ice-americano with, as we both go up the stairs to his room, laughing as if we're already both drunk from our memories.
Great beats were heard from his room, from the radio he left playing inside.
"So how was work today?" he asks, always sounds so curious when he asks the same question since I started working.
"I felt as if everything was free today, people just wouldn't stop coming in," Chan laughs,
"I bet it's because you work there,"
I look at him giggling, "why's that?" I give him a questioning look,
"You make the best drinks." He answers quickly, looking at the floor.
Chan was being honest, I could hear it through his voice whenever he talked to me, I smacked his shoulder lightly and hummed in agreement.
As the silence fell between us and the only sound was Chan's trying to finish the ice-americano, I started to laugh as something that happened today at work popped into my mind;
"Yo, Chan-ah, before you came today, a girl came to the café and went like; 'show me your kinky side' to a co-worker of mine, and he actually gave her his phone number!" I say and Chan laughs as we arrive to the second floor,
"That's crazy,"
"I know right?" I nod, we both are standing in the corridor.
"Alright so, I'll go to shower," I say as I point at the door in front of Chan's bedroom door.
He nods, "I'll go to shower in my parents room." He says, we both agreed and went to our separated ways.
Since I carried my pink pajama inside my backpack, I didn't worry about anything... although, as I got under the hot water inside Chan's bathroom, the only thought that hunted me was the first night at Chan's place.

It's December and it's two years since we both met. It was a serious business for my mother, if she knew I am going to sleep at his place.
As I finished and turned off the water, I kept my hair dried and got dressed, styling my hair as a loose bun in front of the steamy mirror.
I walked out of the shower and stared at Chan's bedroom closed door.
I looked at myself, as I heard his fast strides as he appeared in my sight, with a towel around his neck and freshy look for the night, he walked a few steps, slowing his pace as his eyes are locked with mine.

How can someone look so... sexy in this pink pajamas?
Chan is thinking to himself as he looks at her.

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