14. C- Can you see me with another?

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Chapter 14.
C . Can you see me with another?

On June 2015, I first met Chan's parents and little brother.
14-year-old Hyun-Jin.
The three of us were waiting for their parents to come from their work.
Meanwhile, we we're chatting about some random things.
Hyun-jin looked nothing like Chan at his 14s, but they do share the same kind of humor.
"Noona! Do you like my brother? Because it's impossible-" I was laughing crazily over his sudden question.
"Shut the hell your stupid mouth before I-" Chan is throwing his hand while cursing in Korean.
Chan was running after him, with his shoe in his hand, threatening his little brother while I laugh.
That made me laugh, the reaction of Hyun-jin was precious to me, because he was running around the whole house until he came and stood behind me so I'll save him from Chan.
I enjoyed seeing them being so serious about me, and giving me the right feeling.
Chan's little brother already made his right way to my young heart. I was so glad to meet him already.
"I'll save you from Chan's shoe, don't worry." I say as I try to recover from the laughter,
Chan is throwing his shoe on the floor, looking at me, stunned.
"Well that's called cheating, Noona." Chan points at me.
My heart flutters, Chan thinks to himself, her laughter gives me life...
"That is definitely not." I stick my tongue at him.
The reason why I haven't seen him before, was because he's been away from home for his tennis camp abroad.
Chan told me his little brother was one of the youngest Korean tennis players from Los- Angeles.

The Lee's family house looked so traditional; they even had their dinner while sitting on the floor around the black wooden Korean table.
The house had that kind of unique atmosphere whenever I visited him and helped him with his homework or just hung out with him while listening to Korean ballad songs he enjoyed listening with me.
Chan's house made me feel as if I was home, but I didn't realize it then as I realized it after some time... that whenever I was with him, I felt as if I am home.
Their parents came back home, and I greeted them with a deep bow.
As I looked up, Chan's dad's smile speared all over his face.
He looks so much like his father, woah... just as handsome as-
"Chan talked about you a lot! Finally, I get to see you," Chan's dad said while pulling me into a friendly hug.
"Yah... dad, stop embarrassing me..."
"She's your girlfriend, no?" Chan's dad was asking.
The mother is hitting her husband's shoulder, Hyunjin is smiling at me while nodding, while I'm blushing so hard...
My cheeks are so hot, my body is getting warmer.

"Alright, Noona, let's go, we'll be up-" Chan's family are paying attention to the way he grabs her by her wrist so easily.
"Lock the door!" His dad is shouting while laughing.
"It was really nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Lee."
Chan's mother was a quite woman, she just nodded coldly and smiled at me afterwards.
"It's nice to us, right, dear?" Chan's dad is asking his wife, she nods and says; "I am happy that there's someone like you around my son, who keeps him happy." She was mumbling to herself, looking so tired, must be the work, or just the day itself...
I bowed once again, before me and Chan disappeared upstairs.
"Her name is Lee..." Chan's dad told his wife, "I know... Chan told me..." Mrs. Lee is walking towards her bedroom.
"Dear, if she marries our son, she'll be Lee-Lee, like the flower-" the mother stopped listening to her husband joking around and shut herself in their bedroom.
Leaving both, Hyun-jin and his father, laughing together.
Mom's mood recently is dropped a bit, because of our ill grandpa, but I believe everything will be alright... young Hyunjin is thinking to himself while his father is looking at him, pulling him closer to a hug.

It's not that Chan's mother didn't like the girl, and it's not that Lee's mother didn't like Chan, the problem was only in their minds, when they saw their son's/daughter's best friend for the first time.
Lee reminded Mrs. Lee of someone who used to date her husband, Chan's father, the long story is going to be told on one of the following chapters, while Lee's mother thought Chan looked like someone who was with her before she married Lee's father.
the same case for the both sides.

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