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"Ah!" I shouted as I fell down with Zayn being on top of me. I laughed and he just chuckled. "You cheated!" I whined and he rolled his eyes, "Babe, you literally stood there while I was counting. Who even plays hide and seek anyways. We are way too old for this." "Yeah, but you can't lie, being a werewolf makes this so much more fun," I said as a rebuttal. He shrugged, "I guess that is fairly true," He said before he gave me a light kiss and helped me up.

We were about to head back to the others, but then we heard a noise, and it was quickly followed by a voice.

I jerked my head back and looked at Zayn who had the same curious look on his face. We took a few steps towards the sound before we heard it in another direction saying, "Please....someone....help." My eyes went wide before I ran into the direction that I heard the voice coming from. "Lou! Wait!" "Can't, someone is in danger!" I shouted as I continued running. I made a sharp right before I stopped. "Jesus Louis, you can't just run off like th- woah," Zayn said before he looked down.

There was a human...naked...and it was a male. He was stuck under a tree, and he was trying to get loose. "Help...this fell on me last night...so hungry," the guy spoke and I stared at him a little before I walked to the loose end of the tree and started lifting. Zayn rushed to my side and helped me out. Together, we were able to get the tree off and the stranger scrambled out of the way before we dropped it. He stood up and covered his...you know what. "Oh my god thank you!" He spoked cheerfully.

"Where are you're clothes mate?" Liam asked and I yelped. "Where the fuck did you two come from?!?" I asked as I clutched my chest. "When Zayn shouted your name, we had to make sure that there is no danger ahead, so here we are," Niall explained and I breathed out a bit. "Could've gave me a better heads up than that," I said as I stood back up.

"Anyways, where are your clothes?" I asked as I looked at the blushing male. "Um..it's nearby! Ah, teenage life is pretty stupid huh? Getting drunk and not remembering where your clothes are," The guy lied.

I knew that because he is an awful liar. I stepped forward which made him step back. I then tilted my head and took another step, which made him take another one back. "Look, I thank you for saving my bum, but I uh...have to retrieve my clothes. My friends must be wondering where I am, so...bye!" He shouted before he sped off. I watched him in curiosity before I decided to chase to see where he was running off to. "My god Louis!" Liam groaned as they chased after me.

I saw the stranger in my view and I guess he knew that I was after him because he went even faster. You know....for a "human" he is very fast. I then stopped when I couldn't see the boy anymore.

"Dammit..." I cursed under my breath as my alphas caught up to me. "What's wrong babe?" Zayn asked me. "That strange boy is- I'm sorry, but can anyone smell that?" I asked as I can smell something sweet, like vanilla actually. "Yeah, but that could be about anything." Liam said with a shrug. "Baby, we need to head back, it's almost getting dark," Zayn said and with a sigh, I gave him a nod and we rushed back to our place to get ready for the night and for the transformation.

Now we can transform at any moment, but since we don't really have a real reason to, we just go throughout the day and just transform at night. That's the most uncontrollable time, because our inner wolf can't be held back at that time. It may sound like a handful to handle, but that's just the life of a werewolf I guess. It is pretty easy for me to handle, so I'm not going to complain and bore you with my issues.

We walked up the steps to our home and I opened the door. It's make out of wood since we can't come into any contact with silver. I walked in and I walked to the big windows that we had in our home and I flipped all of the switches, which made all of the shades to go down. Just in case if there was any passers-bys, they wouldn't be able to take a peak inside. When they were all of the way down, I started to get undressed, getting ready for the moon to rise and for the sun to fall.

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