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"This new nursery is looking so pretty Lou, and you made it all by yourself," I said with a smile on my face. I looked at the decoration and the effort that he put into it. Since we didn't know the gender of the baby, we just made sure that the nursery was gender neutral since we would like to use this nursery more than once. Like who knows how many children we are going to have in our future. Also, if Sophia wants her baby to stay the night here as she goes on some trip for her job, then the baby has a place to stay, right? Right.

"Well it was all worth it

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"Well it was all worth it. Especially if this one is going to be sleeping right in here," Louis said as he leveled his face with my swollen stomach. "You know, ever since head alpha allowed the werewolves to show their ears and tail, I've always wanted to pet yours," I told Louis with a smile. "Who said that you can't?" He asked me, smiling adorably. I just thought that alphas don't really enjoy being touched like a dog...I didn't know that they were fine with it, so that's why I've been holding back.

I smiled a bit bigger before I reached my hand and rested it between Louis's ears and I slowly petted him and he leaned into my touch, loving the way that my hand ran past, briefly petting his ears and going a bit past that. "That's so cute!" I cooed at how he reacted to my petting. "I tend to pet you at night, and your faces are so much more adorable than mine," He told me with a wink. I blushed and placed my hands back at my sides. "What are doing today?" I asked since we had today off.

"I think that we should get a bit more prepared for this baby. We need to buy everything that the baby is going to need," Louis told me as he took my hand and we stepped out of the room. "Shopping?" I asked him and he nodded his head. That made me a bit more excited because I was dragging Louis down the stairs and he almost tripped like 3 times. "I've been wanting to go shopping!" I spoke excitedly as I walked to where the shoes were neatly placed at. I sat down and I began to put my shoes on.

"I can see that sun. We can't get the clothes since we don't know what we are having," Louis told me and I looked up at him. "There are some things that we could get. Like white or black pajamas. We could also get some gender neutral baby clothes. Oo-" Let's just get there and see what our options are," Louis said as he petted my head this time, making me close my eyes a bit and blush a bit darker. "You are a cute," He told me and he helped me get up. "Thanks, you are handsome," I complimented with a node deeper shade of red spreading all over my cheeks.

He looked at me with that handsome smile and kissed my hand before he picked up the keys to my cat that I've recently received since it was just a few days ago when I finally passed the driving test. They allowed Louis to ride in the back because that made me a bit less nervous than the first 5 times that I took the test. Each time the instructor wrote something on the board, my anxiety would just go up and have me freak out. However, when Louis was in the backseat, I was calm throughout the whole thing.

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