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We were getting the necessities to build this home that was going to be for the five of us and Louis and Harry were the main two ones who were extremely excited to start this thing because Louis loved tree houses and Harry lived in one which meant that the boy too liked the home being held up in a tree. It made me chuckle as I watched the omega pick out the tree. Louis was right behind him as we were right behind them.

Have to say, the two have connected a lot quicker than he did with the rest if us, but am I upset about it? No, not really. I'm not really the type to get upset about something as small as this. If anyrhing, I'll be the first to smile at it...if I wasn't Niall of course. When it comes to shipping people, he is like the pro at it, and if anyone was to destroy one of his creations, then he would've definitely through hands. He would either leave you in fright or with only  a few bruises.

Besides, there is going to be a day where we mark Harry anyways. That role cannot change at all. The only thing in the rules between alphas and omega's that could never be amended. There isn't a problem with it really. All we have to do is mate with him and what's wrong with a little sex?...okay I know what I just said was so erong, do I'll just shut up in my head now...

I looked at Harry who was being held up by Louis and the boy was a smiling mess as he was trying to put two pieces of wood together. When he got that taken care of, he messed with Louis's hair and all that Louis did was smile as he put Harry back on his feet. Harry smiled at what we have done so far and he turned to look at us with a sincere smile. He walked up to us and hugged each one of us before he started to speak.

"I want to thank you boys again. It's been a while since I've made anything that was similar to friends. Being a werewolf means that I have to stick in the bushes and hide from the human world and that made the possibility of me having friends really small. Loken wish that I could meet a human that won't kill me. I really don't know what's the big deal between these two worlds, but I guess that's just the way that it is. I-"

"Your rambling babe," I said with a small laugh. "Was I?" He asked and we all nodded our heads. "Oh..." "No worries Hazza. It's cute," Niall said with a friendly smile. Harry blushed a light pink as he nodded. "T-thank you...," He stuttered and I looked at him with fond set in my eyes. His blush and stutter is actually pretty cute. If you were to see that, then you would've thought the same thing as well.

"Anyways...piggyback ride!" He shouted before he jumped on Louis's back who stumbled a bit before he caught his balance and chuckled before he starred to run around the field that was surrounding the home. If I had a phone right now, then I would've definitely took a photo or video of this. "And there goes four pairs of hands that we probably need," Liam said with a sigh. "You mean six? Niall went back in to get some food, but we all know that he is not going to come back," I reminded him and Liam groaned.

"How was I ever paired with two idiots?" He wondered and I chuckled. "I don't knkw, but I do know that you can't do anything about it," I said with a mocking grin. "Sadly...no I can't. Thank god Harry came in at the right time, because I was so close of loosing it," He said with a head shake. I laughed and patted his back, "All will be good Liam, just believe man," I said and he rolled his eyes playfully at me.

Him and I took about another hour to get everything looking nice right before Louis and Harry returned with all smiles and giggles. "Louis just pulled the absolute best prank on Niall just now," Harry said as he finished up and his laughs. "Oh please don't tell me that he's pissed. I share a room with him Louis," Liam whined and I smiled an evil smile. "I'm sure th as t he won't be upset for that long," Louis said with a grin.

"Oh, you are so dead," Liam said before those two started a chase. "How's the house doing?" Harry asked me as we stood by the construction. "It's going good so far. We still have no clue as to what it is, but it's going good so far," I said as I looked at what we've done. "I'm sure that when all of this is done, the house is going to be great," He said with glee and I smiled at him.

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