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It has been a week since we've met Harry and in all honesty, I really do believe that having him included into our lives is what we truly needed. No, we haven't marked him, but still. We wanted the omega to feel at home. Feel as though he can be safe around us. The status of where we are at right now is that we are probably getting the boy to trust us. Even in our wolf form, we were determined to protect and make sure that the omega ate before we did.

Yes, it is supposed to be the other way around, but that's not how we do things. We don't harm omega's and we actually find it quite rude to eat before the omega. The omega is like, the lowest class in the spectrum, which only means that protecting them and taking proper care of them is how it's supposed to be done. I mean, without them, who is going to give you puppies or babies. Without them, who is going to help you get better when you're ill. That's right! Absolutely no one.

Hell right now, I'm walking with Harry through the woods so that he doesn't get a surprised attack from out of nowhere while going on this small walk. He was walking close to me and I smiled as he kept holding his hand in mine and slowly letting it go again. Like as if he didn't know if what he was doing was wrong for him to do or not. Like as if he thought that it was not his place to do such small things like this. Even though he is just holding my hand, he is still hesitant and is still shy.

I looked at him and just shook my head and grabbed his hand. He yelped before he looked at me, then at our heads, then he blushed which made me smile even brighter. His blushes are just the cutest to ever be seen. I could take a picture if I was able to. Which is only one of the downsides of being a werewolf. Not being able to touch anything that is related to silver in anyway shape or form. Yeah, that is like the one thing that you learn when you're a werewolf.

"There is nothing wrong with holding hands Hazza. I'm not going to be grossed out by it or anything. I have 3 alphas that I do the same thing with them. Never be shy about something like this," I told him as I hopped over a fallen tree and Harry followed suite. "I'm sorry...I just didn't know if it was okay for me to so something like that to you, you know?" He wondered as he looked down at his walking feet as they crush the grass and leaves right below

"Yeah, I understood what you meant, but I'm just telling you that it's okay. Even though we're not together in a relationship or anything, it's completely normal for friends to hold hands." I reassured him as my grip on his hand grew tighter. "You are really okay with this?" He asked and I chuckled and glanced over at him, nodding.

"You're cute, so yeah, I don't mind. If you were a revolting arsehole, then I would've told you to never touch me and hope some pretty hurtful things happen to you. Glad that you are a cute and sweet guy, eh?" I asked and he nodded with a small laugh. "Do you ever think that we could ever be something romantically?" He randomly asked me and I looked at him with a questioning look. "Do you ever want to be?" I then asked and he shrugged.

"Like we're friends right now and I would like to keep it that way for a bit before developing something new. Like right now, I trust you guys in both ways, wolf and human. You guys have proven to me that you are pretty genuine and you are not hurtful towards an omega like myself, but there is also the matter of having to develop the actual romance. You guys are pretty romantic and I can see that the four of you love each other, and yeah, I like that, but I just don't know if I would be good at something like that. L-"

"Harry?" "Yeah?" "Please stop talking. Your ramble is cute and all, but you are about to talk bad about yourself which I will not allow." I told him and he stopped speaking. "I see you being a great lover. You're sweet, you're kind, and you are very beautiful. There is no way that anyone shouldn't have you."

"But there are no other wolves around rather than you four?" "Yeah, and at some point, further down the road, when you're actually comfortable with us, we will mark you as ours. That's what I mean by there is no reason for anyone to not include you in their lives romantically." I told him and smiled when I saw his blush creep up onto his slightly pale face. "Is that what you really think?" "Harry, that is what we are all thinking. You coming into our lives was a good thing and we are very happy to have you around like this."

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