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"Hey Harry," Niall greeted with a smile.  It's been a few weeks since we've let Niall back in, and we've grown that friendly relationship pretty fast. "Hey Nialler," I said with a smile. "3 months and 3 weeks, right?" He asked me and I nodded and rubbed my belly. Almost to four months already...time does fly pretty fast. Soon enough, I'll be giving birth to our first child. Louis and I don't really know what to expect, but I'm more than excited for that day to come. Louis is all happy about it and I'm happy that he is.

"Hey, I do want to talk to you about this." "Niall, I already forgi-" "I want the baby to call me uncle Ni." He said with a big smile. "What? Really?" I asked as we walked on a trail that was in the park. "Yeah, even though I don't want to be a dad anytime soon, I would like to be an uncle," He responded with a giddy look on his face. Uncle Ni...well I do think that Niall would have a bigger connection with our baby, so...why not, right? I mean, Niall is the only one that is trying to make up things, and he's doing a pretty good job for right now.

"Umm, I don't see what would be wrong with that. Just need to ask Louis to see if it's okay. He's at the store right now, but he should be back later," I told him. I didn't have an issue with him being called uncle Ni. We are friends, and I kind of trust him. "Now that one...that one is going to be hard," He told me and I shrugged. Louis have been pretty accepting of Niall, and the two are pretty cool with one another, so this topic shouldn't be a big deal, right? He's also a really chill type of guy. He understands people so well, and that is one of the main reasons as to why I love him!

"He should allow it. It's not like as if you're actually the baby's uncle. Besides, he would more than likely be okay with it since I allowed it," I told him with a smile. "He's that whipped over you, huh?" "I don't really know what that means, but sure?" I said with a confused look on my face. I don't use a whip on Louis, and he doesn't use one on me, so what does whipped mean? Cool whip? Oh! that with a sundae does sound pretty good right now...

"Whipped means that he would do anything for you no matter it is. If you want to have another child, then he would give that to you. If you wanted to get married, then he would get down on one knee faster then you can say oops. If you wanted to die, he will hunt down whoever is making you feel that way, then spend the next decade telling you that you cant leave him," Niall told me and I giggled. That makes a lot more sense of what I was thinking...now I'm hungry.

"That does sound like Louis," I said as I looked up at the sky. "I'm happy for the two by the way. I can see the two of you being really happy together," Niall complimented. "Aww thanks! I know that you can find someone to make you just as happy," I told him and he smiled a bit bigger. Him, Zayn, and Liam have been loosing that spark between one another, which makes me believe that there is someone else out there who can actually make my friend happy. Don't you think the same?

"Alright, wanna get some ice cream? I heard that they have brand new flavors. Wanna go try them out?" He asked and I smiled. "Sure! Hopefully Louis got some strawberries, because I've been craving that a lot lately," I said as we were walking out of the park. We walked to Niall's car and he unlocked it.

Even though we weren't together anymore, he still opened the passenger side door for me. I pulled out my phone and I sent a text to Louis. Hazza: Hey Lou! I wanted to let you know that Niall and I are going to get some ice cream and try out the new flavor. Want me to get a small tub of it for you?

LouBoo: Hey sun, I can meet the two of you at the parlor? Or do you want some alone time with him? I know that sounds wrong, but you know what I mean, right? Like a friend to friend type of alone time. Nothing more. I giggled at his text and I started to reply to his text. Hazza: A) You are too cute. B) Yes, you can meet us at the parlor. C) Niall and I had friend to friend alone time at the park. D) You. Are. Too. Cute!

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