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For the past few weeks after Harry's heat, I've been loosing my shit. I have been thinking one thing, but when I mention it, everyone looks at me weird. Then I smell something that I've never smelt before and whenever I describe it to someone, they say that I'm crazy or some shit like that. Which I am not by the way! I am completely sane! I swear to you that I'm okay! I've smelt this before and it's always whenever Harry's around.

I've smelt it whenever my mom was pregnant with my younger siblings, and I've smelt the same smell 6 times...fuck sake! I know what the fuck I'm thinking. I'm not crazy! Your cra- Okay, I know that I need to put my brain on a chill pill, but please see what I'm trying to say here! I think Harry is pregnant, but just doesn't know it!

"Am I going hunting with you guys tonight?" Harry asked when he entered the room from doing what exactly? Throwing up! "No," I told him without asking the other guys for their opinions, because right now, they can kindly fuck off. "Why Lo-" I cut Niall off and stood up to walk to Harry. He looked up at me and I looked at him with full on alpha.

No hence of a soft Louis to be seen. "You are staying home and you are going to wait for us to return. Do you understand?" I demanded in my dominant alpha tone. "I understand," He said. "If you leave for any reason, then you will not eat for tonight. Do you understand?" I spoke again, my alpha side of me growing stronger. "I-I understand," He said again, growing a bit smaller. "Good. I'm not putting my unborn child in danger."

"Wha-" I cut Zayn off and started to shout at them...for no reason besides the fact that THEY ARE MAKING ME SOUND CRAZY!

"You can't lie to me and say that you don't smell anything different! I've been smelling that shit for the past three weeks! Harry has been throwing up every fucking morning! I've smelt that before and I've witnessed the process of being pregnant! Don't make me sound crazy when I'm not! My mum was pregnant 5 times, so I know what I'm talking about! Harry is pregnant, and there is nothing that you can say that can make me feel any different!"

"Louis...Harry's not pre-" "You know what?!? Fuck you!" I shouted at them before I stormed off to my bedroom. I closed the door and I sat in the bed in the corner of my room. I was so upset, and so fucking frustrated.

I rubbed my face with my hand and I sighed. "Lou?" Harry's voice spoke and I looked to see my curly haired boyfriend walking into my room. "What do you want Harry?" I asked, not really in the mood to get all cuddly.

"Um...I know that I've doubted it for a while, but it's only because I don't know what happens during pregnancy and also because I am kind of scared," He told me as he bit his bottom lip. "Why would you be scared?" I asked him. He walked over, and I automatically made room for him.

"Well...this is my first time being pregnant, and I don't know what to do. You guys are like my first boyfriends... you are the one who I lost my virginity too, and these are my firsts Louis. I don't know how to be a parent Louis," He explained to me.

"I thought that I was getting sick or something. I didn't know that this was some kind of sign," He then added. "Well it is Harry. Morning sickness, and you've grown a lot more sensitive recently which is included with your hormones. Your mood swings will make you look happy one minute, but have you breakdown the next minute. Lastly, alphas can sense an offspring or a pregnant omega, so I don't know why I was the only one smelling it," I told him with a shrug.

"And Harry?" "Hmm?" "You are not the only one. Sure, I lost my virginity to Liam, but it was a struggle." "Is it because of the two of you being alphas?" I nodded. "It would start with kissing, then it'll end with fighting. I topped though," I said with confidence, making Harry giggle. I looked at him with a fond smile, comforting him.

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