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The first time of traveling and it's been a tad bit chaotic. I mean just this morning, I had to put a human to sleep if you catch my drift...Harry has been apologizing ever since he was about to be taken away. Let me repeat that for you....

Harry, the one who was getting taken, is apologizing for something that was completely the humans fault. Doesn't make sense either, does it? He is just so friendly that sometimes all I want to do is shut him up and say that he's not the one who needs to apologize.

It's the humans fault, not his. "We've spent so long just building that house and now we have to leave it...I'm so-" "Love?" Louis called, cutting Harry off. "Yeah?" "It's the millionth time telling you this, so this will be my final time," He told him as he turned to look at Harry. "It's not your fault, okay? The humans were bound to find us eventually, so it's good that we're leaving now." Louis spoke and Harry looked down. "But they wouldn't have found us so soon?"

"Yes they would Harry. The home that we built was not too far away from the civilian world. Hunters usually go in that area even. Which is why we are going deeper in the forest," I told him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Everything is alright darling. The only thing that matters is that we are all okay," Niall said with a bright smile.

"Are you sure? I mean...I caused the pro-" "No Harry, you didn't cause any problems, it was all the humans fault," Liam said, cutting Harry off again. Harry then went quiet. "Everything is okay babe," I clarified as I wrapped an arm around him. "Okay, if we are guaranteed safety, then I'll move on," He said and I smiled at him. "We are safe, and we are all okay. Which is why we aren't talking about it anymore, alright?" "Yeah...sorry."

"You are too cute..." Niall cooed and that made Harry blush a little as we walk through the trees and admired the sky from up high. "In what direction should we go?" Harry asked. "Maybe to the right? There seems to be a lot more trees if we go through there," Liam said and Harry turned in that direction and we followed him. We walked and we were minding our own business before Harry stopped abruptly.

"Is everything okay Harry?" Louis asked and Harry looked at the ground and then he looked up. "Harry?" "This is a trap. Someone is here waiting for something to fall in it." Harry told us. "What kind of trap is it?" Niall asked. "That type that'll capture the prey in a net. We were about to walk right into it, but someone is still here," Harry repeated and looked up. We looked up and looked to see who could be here and we kept our ground, ready to fight.

"We are going to have to make our way around it," I told them and took Harry's hand. He followed me as we carefully walked around the trap and looked around to see if there was someone out there. When we heard a few ruffles from afar, I picked Harry up and ran with him in my hold and him holding onto me for dear life. We ran though the forest and we ran so deep into the forest that we just knew that there was no being for miles.

I stopped running and placed Harry back on his feet. "Thanks Z," Harry said politely and I nodded at him before we sat down to restore our energy. I sat against a tree and Harry walked over to lay in my lap. His energy was fine, but I wasn't complaining about his actions.

I just placed my hand in his hair and I ran my fingers through his curls. I was catching my breath as Liam was walking over to sit next to me. "You alright Z?" He asked when he looked at the omega in my lap before he looked back at me, seeing me nod my head, he smiled.

"What should we do next?" He then asked me and when I looked at Harry, the boy was fast asleep. "I don't know. We haven't actually taken care of an omega for years. How are we supposed to do with him anyways? He's cute and so innocent...how are we supposed to claim him when he has such a innocent personality?" I asked him as I caressed the sleeping boys cheek.

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