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"Oh hey Samantha, how are you doing?" I asked once I opened the door to see my recently made friend. "Alpha is following me. He's not chasing after me, but I hear movement going on being me, and I know that it's him.?," She told me and looked being herself.

"Are telling me that this is another stay at the Payne's household?" I asked as a joke and she giggled before shrugging, "A last minute thing, but yeah. I have my backpack just in case if this happened again," She told me and turned a bit, showing it to me. "Well, come right on in," I said and opened the door a bit wider for her. She stepped through, thanked me and made her way to my living room.

I looked out and I did see something move from my tree. I just rolled my eyes and closed my door. "Are you hungry? I was actually  in the middle of making some lunch," I told her and she nodded. "Didn't eat all morning, thanks by the way," She responded and I shook my head, "A friend who seeks help, shall receive help," I told her with happiness in my voice.

"You had a good day I see?" "Yeah, the fact that Harry's having a baby girl is still in my system. I'm happy for those two. I don't think I've ever seen Louis that happy before," I told her as I was taking out the things that I nodded to make a sandwich. "I can't wait to go through that sane feeling someday," I told her and she hummed in agreement.

"I saw Harry cry more than once that day, and it just made me want to say 'I know how you feel', but sadly, that is not the case." "Someday though...someday," I said and she agreed with me. "Wanna watch a movie? I've recently bought some. They should be in the tv stand," I told her as I looked down and began to make her a sandwich. 

I heard her move, so I just continued to make the lunch before opening my fridge, pulling out two water bottles. I lifted the plates and made my way back to the living room. "Are you in the mood for some laughs?" She asked as she had the remote in her hands, looking at the big flat screen on the wall. Right above the fire place that I so rarely light up. "Sure, what is it?"

"Jumanji. It is considered an action movie, but Dwayne and Kevin are in it, so I would prefer it as a comedy, because those two always me laugh my ass off," She told me. I placed the plated on the coffee table and went back to the kitchen to only get the water before I came back and placed them next to the plates.

"Sure, it seems fun," I said and she clicked something on the remote and the movie began. I took a seat right beside her and I picked my plate up and started to eat my sandwich. She looked at her own plate and picked it from the table. We both watched the movie while we were eating our food and drinking our water. "Oh! Are you ready for werewolf night? We are allowed to go hunting tonight," She said and I looked at her.

"Really?" "Yeah, the head alpha wanted some fresh meat, and we mean fresh meat, so he wants us to have a bit more fun by letting us into the forest. We have to have a buddy though, so....care to be my buddy?" She asked and I smiled before nodding my head. "Okay, now I'm not a loner for the night," She said with a sigh and I chuckled.

"Now let's enjoy the movie," She then said and pressed play on the movie, letting it resume. We watched the movie with complete interest and there was times where Samantha was upset because of a character dying. "This was the best movie ever!" "...you were just pissed that Nick Jonas died..." "Yeah, but the movie was so fucking good after all!" She chirped before she looked at my window.

"What's wrong?" "He's right there," She told me and I thought about what I could do, and I tugged on her arm, making her lean close into me. I then placed a soft kiss into her shoulder. She didn't say anything. Instead, she played along and giggled." She looked at me and started to cuddle into me. I move an arm so that it was wrapped around her shoulder.

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