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"Welcome to Insane Parlor once again, what is it this time?" I asked with a smile because this guy would only come here whenever I'm here. Just yesterday Samantha told me that he came here and left because I was off for that day. I needed a mental day in order to think about what I was going to say to Louis and Harry tomorrow. Hopefully...I won't die.

Which I will have to say is the cutest thing that anyone has done in order to just see my face. "Oh um...I would like a flower on my right shoulder blade," He told me and I could tell that the omega was having an issue taking to me. "Alright, just wait in my room." I told him and he nodded his head. I picked up my gloves and got up, walking to my room.

I saw him with his shirt off already and I smiled. "Alright, lay down please," I said and he did just that. "I thought that I wasn't going to be doing your tattoos anymore. Because of the way that you left my room last time, I thought you hated me," I told him as I stood over his back and prepared it for the tattoo. "What flower is this anyways?" I asked him.

"Um...I would like a rose please, a red one though," He answered and I hummed. "And I didn't say that I hated you, I just said that I would've probably kicked your butt if you said something like that about my baby. Also I said that hot guys are so stupid," He then told me. "I never said the word hate. I hate what you did to that couple, but no, I don't hate you," He admitted.

"I know that there is a positive light in your heart and I'm pretty sure after last time, you've thought about it," He said and I sighed. "Yeah, I realized that I was the prick in the situation and I learned that it's okay if I admitted that I was the idiot and the dumbass in this situation. I'm going to be talking to them tomorrow. If you don't see me here after tomorrow, then...nice knowing yeah," I joked.

"Are they violent?" "Harry isn't. Harry seems a lot like you. He looks like a guy that would kill a bunny and make a grave and pray for God's forgiveness about it. Louis is to an extent. If you talk shit about him, then that's fine. Hell just talk shit about you right back. If you mess with the people that he cares for and loves, then...again, nice knowing ya," I told him.

"The only reason why I didn't die at the baby shower was because of the people that were pulling Louis off of me. I'm pretty sure that he would've had my beating heart if they weren't there though," I said and sighed. "He is a pretty strong alpha. I still have a bruise from when he tackled me to the floor," I said and raised my shirt to show it to him.

"Oh...I'm pretty sure that he'll listen to you though," Kevin told me and I shrugged. "Whatever happens, happens," I said before I turned the machine on, making the boy jump. "Okay, your afraid of the machine turning on, but not the actual gun...you are a pretty weird fella," I told him and he chuckled. "My friends think I'm weird, so you're not the first," He said. "Well I think that you're the good type of weird. The type that makes everyone smile, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, thanks," He said and I nodded before I started the gun up and started to do his tattoo. "Tell me Kevin, do you have a boyfriend?" I asked and he kept quiet. "The only reason why I asked is because of the fact that you keep coming over here, just for me. You didn't even want to get a tattoo with my co worker at the front," I added as I was putting the frame of the flower in. "Oh, I um...no, I don't have a boyfriend." "Are you looking for one?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "Um...I...I am," He answered shyly. I looked at him to see his cheeks completely red.

"Well, I really hope that you find one soon," I told him, and he looked at me. I smiled before saying, "Or I will have to take you myself." I winked at him before I continued with his tattoo, but I can tell that I've made the boy blush a lot more now. "If you don't have a boyfriend by the time I see you for your next tattoo, then I'm going to guess that you only have eyes on me, and I will take that opportunity, this is my only warning to you," I then said.

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