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I slowly opened my eyes and smelled meet. I looked to see a dead deer in front of me. I looked at its missing stomach and throat, and I knew that my wolf self went for the stomach, knowing that it stored the most meat. I yawned before I looked around myself to see four men laying on the ground, completely naked.

"Holy shit!" I shouted and covered myself as I jumped to my feet. The four guys jolted awake and looked at me. "Um...this is kind of weird..." I said with a small blush on my cheeks. "What?" The male who's name I think is Louis? "Um...the four of you are naked?" "And you are too?" The raven haired boy said...Zayn I think. I rubbed the back of my head and I chuckled softly to myself, going to act it out.

"Well...um...I'm sure that something weird happened that caused this, so...um...I'm going to go." "Nothing happened last night besides the fact that we were werewolves." The blonde one said who is Niall? "Um, I don't know of what you are talking about. I am a normal human." "Who likes to wake up naked every morning? Who do you think you're talking to?" Liam asked with a small grin. They all had a grin on their faces actually. Each one, teasing me and pressuring me to reveal myself.

I looked at him for a bit before I sighed. "Look, I've heard about alphas before and I don't necessarily think that sticking by them is a good idea for me." "Uhuh...you know not all alphas are the same, right? There are some of us who have the need to protect their omega's and make sure that they are alright. Which is why the wolf side of me was so apologetic and allowed you to eat first," Louis told as he stood up.

"I fail to actually believe that. The alphas are always hurting the omega's and I don't want to d-" "We aren't going to hurt you." "And how am I exactly going to believe that? I'm seriously not trying to be rude, but I could be lied to one minute and be bitten the next." I told them. "My wolf said that it was sorry!" Louis defended. Oh yeah...he did. "We aren't going to hurt you Harry," The guy with the light brown hair said and I only guessed that his name was Liam.

I stared at him before I remembered the fact that I'm still naked. "Uh...can I borrow some clothes?" I asked them, not going to talk about this anymore without any clothes on my body. The blonde one nodded and got up, and walked into the house that was right behind us. In the meantime, I just stood there awkwardly while the other three alphas looked over me like as if they're impressed with what they see.

"How about you stay with us for a few days? Just so that we can prove to you that we don't harm omega's," dark brown hair guy said. "Names Louis," The guy then said with a small laugh. "I'm Louis, the raven is Zayn, the puppy is Liam, and the blonde bloke is Niall." He introduced as he pointed at each boy except the blonde one since he was gone. I nodded at them, giving a small smile. "Harry," I introduced and they smiled warmly at us, "We know love." Liam said and that only made me blush.

"Okay...I guess I could stay here for a bit, but only because I don't know how to get to my place from here." I told them as Niall came back out again. He walked up to me and handed me the pieces of clothing. I was about to ask them to turn around, but I didn't have to because they all did it without me saying anything to them. I turned as well, and slipped the clothes right on me, fitting quite nicely against my skin. "Okay, it's safe," I told them as I turned in sync as the rest of them. They smiled at me once they saw the clothes that were a little loose on me.

"Thanks..." I said as a small blush came across my face. "Anytime mate," Niall said with a friendly smile on his face. I nodded at him before I walked away from the group. I took the handle and opened the door to see the room completely dark. I used my senses and figured out which was where. I sat on something that I was guessing was the couch and I was right once Liam turned the lights on. They walked over to where I was and sat around me. "So if you don't harm omega's, then who do you attack?" I asked them.

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