30 (Short)

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"So this is our lives, huh?" Harry asked everyone. Zayn was there because his now boyfriend, Kevin, was close with Niall, so he had to come. He didn't make any eye contact with Louis or Harry, so everything was good.

"Well...that's just how life is. It's a roller coster of many things. However, the both of you should be happier! You are going to see your beautiful baby in 3 months!" Niall cheered and Harry smiled, placing his hand on his very noticeable baby bump. "Yup, we are at the 6 month mark now," Harry said happily, smiling down.

"Our baby is starting to make white blood cells, which will help it fight off disease and infection, and may respond to Harry's or other people's touch or sounds. If Harry haven't felt the baby hiccup yet, he might now," Louis said as he had Harry lean into him.

Having his arm wrapped around Harry's stomach, so happy to even feel the bump touch his arm. "I should expect to gain about a pound per week this month. My health care provider may test me for gestational diabetes between this week and 28 weeks," Harry then said, smiling at them.

"Is there a tip?" Liam asked a Harry smiled. "I haven't told Louis this, but! My partner might be able to hear the baby's heartbeat by putting an ear to my abdomen," Harry said and looked at Louis. "Are you being serious? You're not messing me, right?" Louis asked and Harry giggled.

"I don't know Lou, wanna hear for yourself?" Harry asked and Louis smiled and everyone watched Louis position himself for his ear to lay perfectly on Harry's stomach. Everyone watched to see if Louis could actually hear it. Actually hear the heart beet of their unborn baby girl.

5 minutes later...
"Well?" Niall asked. Louis was still laying in the same position, and that moment, they started to get a bit anxious. Louis's head was facing Harry, but his eyes were closed. "Louis?" Harry asked and ran his fingers through Louis's hair.

When he went to touch Louis's cheek, Louis grabbed Harry's hand and brought it to his lips, kissing Harry's hand softly. Harry was caught a bit off guard, but he smiled and that's when Louis's eyes opened. He was crying. "You okay Louis?" Harry asked as he caressed Louis's cheek, getting rid of the tears, gently.

"I can hear it," Louis said. "And it's absolutely beautiful," Louis said as he sheds a few tears before getting up and hugging his 24 weeks pregnant boyfriend, Harry. "I'm so happy for you," Samantha said as she entered the room with snacks in her hand.

She walked to the rest of the group and they each grabbed a different snack. First, Harry grabbed the Oreos, Louis grabbed the Pringle's, Niall grabbed the Saltine crackers, and Rose picked the Ritz. Kevin picked the Chips Ahoy, Zayn chose the Lays. Samantha and Liam were just going to share some popcorn together.

They were having a movie night together, like as if it was a huge date night shared with friends, and their significant other at the same time. Louis made it comfortable for Harry to cuddle into him without Harry growling or anything like that. Yeah...mood swings are definitely a thing...

He has been doing that a lot lately, so he doesn't want that to be the case right now. Samantha laid on top of Liam, Rose sat in Niall's lap and had her arms wrapped around his neck. Kevin had his head rested in Zayn's lap and Zayn had his fingers massaging his scalp. Liam had the remote, so when everyone was ready, he pressed play.

The movie was going well for everyone and it was towards the end when Harry accidently fell asleep. Everyone turned to see the pregnant omega, asleep. Louis cooed, took his phone out, made sure that the flash wasn't on, and took a picture of his lover. He then held a finger to his lips, telling everyone to stay quiet.

Samanta and Liam turned the tv off and they started to clean the snacks from the floor, and from the table. Zayn went to the bathroom and his boyfriend went to the kitchen so that he and Rose makes some dinner for their friends. Louis stayed put since hid omega was resting into him. He didn't complain though.

He didn't want to get up and he definitely didn't want to disturb Harry from his lover. "Yo are so lovely, my darling," Louis whispered quietly, still not trying to wake him up. "I bet in a year, Louis will pop the question," Samantha said when Liam and her were watching Louis cradle Harry in the living room. 

"That's what Niall is waiting for. He constantly checks in with them to see if they were happy. I think one time, Harry was about to kill him because he kept checking in every thirty minutes," Liam told her. "Now you can see as to why I don't do what Niall does. I don't want an angry Harry chasing after me. He throw things and they're not really all that soft," Liam them tells her and she knee where he was going at.

They both quietly went outside to just enjoy some quality time together. Liam wrapped both arms around his girlfriends waist and the two of them looked at the bright moon that shined above their heads. "You know what's so magical?" Samantha asked. She turned her body to see her alpha, and she looked into his eyes. He then looked right back at her.

"What is it baby?" He asked. "There is going to be a point where we all are going to be married and have kids. We will look back to this exact point of our time and remember that you had this point where you three didn't want that life. Liam thought about her words and nodded his head. "That is true, that is pretty magical now that I think about it," He said.

This is their lives now and yes, there was a time where it was just the five of them together. There was a point where they only wanted each other, but they just had to face reality and see that life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. They had to see that there are hurdles and it can either make or break their relationship. Sadly, life chose the latter.

It was fine though. They were all still happy and they all wish the greatest for one another...
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