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"Welcome to Insane Parlor. What tattoo would you like for today?" I asked a guy that's been showing up here for the past week. I never really thought anything about. I just thought that he was really into tattoos. He looked like an omega, so I was pretty surprised that an omega was that confident to appear inside of a tattoo parlor to get some tattoos. Not judging him though.

The guy is cute and is pretty attractive. I'll give him that at least. He just looked too innocent to be in here, you know. Again, not judging him anyway....

 Again, not judging him anyway

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"Oh um...can I have a little bird on my shoulder?" He asked as he showed me a picture of what he wanted from his phone. I looked at it as I asked him the normal questions that you have to ask before performing a tattoo. "Are you the type to squirm to pain?" "No..." "Are the type to get dizzy from the sight of blood?" "No." "Which shoulder are you getting this tattoo on?" "The right." "This picture is colored, are you aware that if I use colored ink, then we will have a hard time removing the tattoo?"

"Yes." "Cash or debit?" "Cash." "Do you want this done today?" "Yes." "Are you over 18?" "Human years I'm 17, but shape shifter years, I'm 22." "Alright, then I'm going to have you head to my room and I'll be right with you," I told him. He puts his phone back into his pocket before he turned and walked in the direction of where my door is. I drew the picture of the bird and I colored it in before I got up and walked to my door, opening it. The boy was standing there, waiting for things to start.

"Please lay down for me. Take your shirt off before you do. Don't need the risk of any mess ups," I ordered him and he complied. I watched him take off his clothes and I could see his blush from when he had his shirt folded, leaving him laying gonna the operation bed, with no cloth covering his top. I started to prepare the skin of where the tattoo was going to be and I looked at the omega, and I saw that he was pretty anxious of getting this. "So what's your name?" I asked, wiping his pale skin.

I always make small conversation with my patients, because there are some that are scared of needles and are scared whenever they come in to get a tattoo, so I always talk to then in order to smooth and calm them down. "Oh um...my name is Kevin," He answered. "Happy to know that you have the same first name as a famous comedian?" I asked him with a friendly smile. I switched the machine on and that made him flinch. "I though you don't flinch?" "The noise just caught me off guard. That's all. You can continue," He spoke.

"Alright, but if you flick anymore, then I will stop and ask you to return with something that keeps you calm, okay?" I asked and he nodded his head. I switched the machine back on and continued to talk to the boy. "Do you have a job Kevin?" I asked. "Yes...I work at a café," He replied and I hummed. "For the amount of times that you've walked in here, I should get a discount for some coffee," I told him as a joke and he did chuckle a bit. "I wish that it worked like that," He responded.

"Yeah, the amount of deals that I could get from my exes would be great right about now," I told him and he looked at me. "Long story." "Sir...you're tattooing a bird, I'm sure that we will have enough time to hear the story," He retorted and I chuckled again. "You aren't wrong, okay..." I told him my story. I don't normally do this with my customers, but he's like some kind of friend or something. I could tell that the omega was a really good listener, so I was listening as to what he might have to say.

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