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"Why the fuck can you not accept it?!?" "We just can't!" "No! There has to be a reason as to why you can't accept Harry carrying our child!" "Beca-" "Because what?!? Your scared?!? Well I'm going to tell you the same damn thing that I told Harry! We are experiencing this first time thing together. We are going to be parents for the first time, so there's nothing that you need to be scared of!"

"The thing is that we aren't scared!" The boys were shouting at each other as we were sitting together at the table, eating some lunch. I've been keeping my head down low throughout their fighting, not wanting to get in between the alphas argument. I needed more food though. My hunger has risen ever since I got pregnant, so this is why I'm hungry a lot.

I hesitantly reached and touched Louis's thigh. I thought that he was going to growl, but he calmed down for a brief moment to look at me. I shyly pointed at my plate and he got the hint. He took a piece of meat from the bear and gave it to me. I thanked him be smiling softly before I ate quietly. "Then what the fuck is it?!?" Louis went back to shouting, and I looked down again. "We just didn't want him to be!"

What? "What?!?" "We didn't want him to carry our cubs! We talked while the two of you were fucking and we decided that it would be best to wait!" "So you won't accept the fact that he's pregnant because you don't want the baby?!?" He harshly asked and I was close to crying. They don't want to have cubs with me? I thought that they said that would be happy to if I was fine with it.

"Yes..." "What the fuck?!? Even though we all said that when Harry is okay with carrying then we'll be happy to give him a child!" "We weren't ready Louis! We didn't think that he was truly ready! W-" "Who the fuck is truly ready to be pregnant and have a child!? My mom nearly lost me because she was freaking out. She almost had a panic attack because she found out that I was in her belly! Try again!" Louis shouted, cutting Niall off.

"We don't want the child Lo-" "I'm full," I said as I put the meat down and stood up. "Har-" "Fuck. Off," I cursed Zayn and walked out of the room. I walked into mine and rushed to my bed. I laid there and let the tears flow from my eyes and fall onto my pillow. I was hurting, and I just couldn't stand being in that room with  them. "Darling?" I heard before there was a soft knock at the door. I unhid my face and looked at the door to see Louis walking in.

"They don't want the baby Lou..." I cried before hiding my face into the pillow. "I'm sure that they didn't mean that baby...they're just scared, I know them. Niall played with a baby fix before, so I know that he's just scared. We've all talked about having a child, but we kept saying the same thing. 'We need an omega to have one', they're just in denial right now baby."

"How are you not? How are you not freaking out like them?" "Well...being a big brother may not be a reason, but I practically raised my siblings. Not trying to be weird, but I did everything to keep them happy and safe. I took care of them and treated them like they are 100% gold. Now...being a parent is different, I know...I did freak out when I smelt that sent for the first time from you, but after a couple of days, I was just happy."

"Do you think that they will be like that?" "I don't know love...it takes time to get used to this, you know? It only took me a couple of days because when we made love, I did want you to be pregnant. That's why I asked if you were sure, because you wee going to be carrying my child. Plus, my dream was to raise a family, so my dream truly came true," He told me as he walked over, and that's when I noticed him holding something behind him.

"What's that behind you?" I asked him and he smiled before pulling out a book titled 'Pregnancy is a journey'. "My mother gave this to me before I left. She told me that I was going to need this to give to my omega. Which is why I'm giving it to you. It tells you everything that you need to know about any point of your pregnancy," He told me before he sat next to me. "I would say that your a month pregnant, so..." He flipped the pages to one month and read it to me.

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