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Knock, knock, knock... I looked at the time on my clock on the counter and I saw that it was 8:46pm. "Who the hell shows up at someone's door this late?" I asked myself as I put my slippers on and stood up from my bed. The knocking continued and it began to get more frantic. Like the person on the other side of the door needed my help or something. I grew frantic myself and hurried to the door.

I yanked the door open once I unlocked it. "Help! My ex Alpha won't leave me alone!" A girl with brown hair pleaded. "Who is he?" I asked her. "Rick! I broke up with him last year, but he came back. Please help me!" She screened as she looked back. "He's right there!" She screened and I looked across the street and I saw a guy on the other side. He was a bit shorter than me and he seemed to have blonde hair that reached to his shoulders. He was wearing some dark clothes, but I could see his glowing blue eyes.

He was walking over here, and in that moment, I just went with my gut and pulled the girl into my home and shut the door before he could reach us. "Thank you...I'm so sorry for being a burden..." "It's fine. Helping you get away from danger is going to help me sleep a bit more now," I told her. I am just that kind of guy. If I knew that there was something that I could've done in order to prevent a situation, then I would feel so guilty when I'm alone with my thoughts, thinking about the issue.

"My name is Samantha," She greeted. She held her hand out to me with a smile on her face. "I'm Liam Payne," I said and I took her hand before I shook it slightly. "Thanks for letting me again...I-" Bang! Bang! Bang! Sounded off through my front door. "Stand behind me alright," I told her and she nodded her head and she moved to be right behind me.

I opened the door and I saw the creepy looking alpha right at my doorstep

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I opened the door and I saw the creepy looking alpha right at my doorstep. "May I help you?" "Where is she? I saw her get pulled in here," The alpha said. "Oh the girl? Yeah she's here, you're not going to see her though," I told him as I crossed my arms and glared at him. "And dude, it's nearly 9pm. I don't need to hear complaints from my neighbors, saying that I was being too loud," I told him with a sigh.

"She doesn't want you anymore mate. Just go home and sleep it off. Breakups are hard, but get over it. You shouldn't be running around a damn neighborhood, chasing after the girl. Just leave her alone," I said. "You can't tell me what the fuck to do," He growled and I sighed.

"Yeah I really can't, but what I can do is call the police and say that there's an intruder trying to harm an omega. Two rules that you are breaking right now. Are you sure that you want to continue?" I asked in a mocking town. "She doesn't belong to you!"

"She doesn't belong to you either sir, but there's another rule that you've broken. No disruptions at 9pm. You are really on a death wish with the head alpha," I told him with a mocking grin.

He looked at me, then at the girl that was hiding behind me. He then looked at me, growled, then walked away. "Alright, now that's settled..." "Are you actually going to send me out the-" "There's a spare bedroom upstairs you want to sleep up there. I'll walk you home in the morning. If that guy comes around again, then you know where my house is," I told her.

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