20 (Short)

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"Do you think that this one actually suits you? It's ready to be used at anytime," Ed told me and I looked across the street to see Louis and Harry's house. I then faced forward and nodded my head, "This is the one Eddie," I said and Ed rolled his eyes, "You've got to stop calling me that," He said and I chuckled before shaking my head. "No can do sir Eddie!" I exclaimed and he sighed before we walked into the house to look inside of it.

We walked through the house and let me tell you how much this was my house

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We walked through the house and let me tell you how much this was my house. It was so peaceful and it looked so fun looking. It just told me that this was where I am supposed to be. It just told me that this is my true home. "So? What did you think of it?" Ed asked and I smiled.

"When can I move in?" I asked him and he smiled. "You can move in today actually. Do you have a job yet?" "Yes, I'm a band teacher at Velmort High," I answered and he smiled. "Well, you can pack your things at your old home, because this is your true new home," Ed said it like as if he was some TV show host.

"Thanks again Ed. I'm pretty sure that you could've been spending some quality time with your wife and kid," I said as we walked out of the house. "Yeah, but Sophia and our baby is at the park and I told them that I would meet them there, so is that it for you today?" He asked and I nodded my head. "Thanks again," I told him and he nodded with a smile. "No problem man," He said before we bro hugged and he walked away. I walked to my car and I got in once I unlocked it.

I turned on the car and started to drive my way back to that toxic place that I stayed in for a few months

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I turned on the car and started to drive my way back to that toxic place that I stayed in for a few months. I drove up to the house a d I glanced at it, knowing that it was going to be a while before I visit this place ever again. "You are doing the right thing Niall...you are doing the right thing..." I said to myself before I parked the car and got out. I still had the keys to this place, so I took them out and inserted it into the lock.

I opened the door and already saw my bags at the front door

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I opened the door and already saw my bags at the front door. "We knew that you were leaving, so we thought to help you out and pack your things for you," Liam said and I looked up and saw him with his arms crossed. "Thanks I guess," I said and picked my bags and luggage up. "So where will you be staying at now?" He then asked. "Oh..I'm staying at the house that is right across from Louis and harry," I replied.

"That's nice," He said with a slight head nod. "You know it's not too late. The least you can do is talk to them. You can seek a therapist and talk to them and see what is frustrating you," I offered. "I did, I just don't know when is the right time to go over there. I don't need Louis to bite my neck, you know?" He asked with a friendly smile. "Yeah...where's Zayn?" "He moved out. Figured that this relationship wasn't going to work because of the opinions that we had on the baby," He told me.

"You were right, you know? When you shouted at us last week, you made me realize the truth in all of this. I can't tell someone that they're not ready for something. Harry wanted to get pregnant, so it wasn't my place to say that he wasn't ready for all of that. I know that Harry is going to be a great parent, so is Louis. I'm happy for them. It was just me and I needed to know that," Liam said. "Woah...I made you realize all of that?" I asked him and he smiled before nodding his head.

"All of you did. Well, all I Zayn made me realize is that he's very hot-headed, but the rest of you did," He told me and I smiled. "Got that guys?" I asked as I pulled my phone out. "I called them just in case if you two were going to fight me," I explained and he nodded, understanding. "I knew that you were a good guy Li! Stubborn, but good!" Harry chirped. "I'm so-" "No need for the sappy apology. We forgive you already. Wanna come to Harry's baby shower in a few weeks?" Louis asked.

"Alright! I'll be there! Also-" "Uncle Li!" Harry cheered and I smiled, "Is Harry okay?" Liam asked. "We just saw our baby!" Harry cheered. "Still don't know the gender, but still!" Harry added before squealing. "You have no idea as to how this makes me so happy!" He cheered louder and I could here Louis chuckling on the other end. "Well before we bust your ears, see you guys later," Louis said and we said goodbye before I hung up the phone.

"Are you going to be okay living alone?" I asked him and he nodded. "It's not like we can't hang out anymore. You are just not going to be staying here, you know? Besides, you and Zayn are living alone, so...I'm not alone on this own a house thing," He told me and I chuckled. "Yeah, you are right about that. Don't hesitate to drop by. You are always welcome to come see me. Harry would like to see you too," I told him.

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks," He said and we hugged for the last time before I pulled away and picked my things back up and walked out of the house. "Do you want me to give you your key back, or...-" "Hey, I'm not going to be the only one to be paying visits to you. You can keep it," Liam smiled before he helped me load my car. "Until next time, I assume?" He asked and I smiled. "Until next time," I said and hugged him once more before I got into NY car and backed out from the driveway.

I glanced at the house and saw Liam waving. I smiled and flashed my lights before I put my focus back on the road.

Goodbye for now, my friend...goodbye for now...
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