Sequel Out Soon

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Didn't expect that last part, did you? I told you that this was going to be a Ziounarry, and some of you thought that I was serious! Next book is going to be a Ziounarry and it's going to stay that way! I just wanted to make things a bit interesting, you know? I do want to say thank you though...

It's been so long since I've completed a book, and now that I've done it, I want to thank you guys for your patience and your willing to stick around and wait for me. Book 2 of this sequel will be released, but it will take some time since I already have so many books to write. I love you all and I want to thank you for the love that you have given to me through this story. It has been a wonderful ride with you all.

I want to thank some of you who have been showing me love, and please let me know if I missed your name, and I'll put you in here as well. Thank you:
- Olivia_duff
- Itsalarriething
- Two_ghosts_Harry
- DiuLoves
- BZ2006

You guys have been giving me a lot of love, and I'm so happy to have you guys as followers. Again, if I missed you, then comment down below and I'll mention you too. You are all going to be so successful, I can definitely see it. I love you all so much!

Book 1 is over, but a Book 2 will come.
Love you all!

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