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"I think this is the last of the changes," I said as we stepped back to take a view of the new home that we made in just 4 hours. "I like it," Harry said with a small smile. I smiled in return. "It is definitely well hidden," Zayn added and I agreed. "It may seem a tad bit dark, but this is what we need in order for us to be safe," Niall said as we all looked at the home.

"Well...welcome to our new home fellas," I said as I opened the door to the thing that was going to be our home for a long, and I mean long time. Sometimes I do wish that there was a town filled with beings like us. Beings that aren't really accepted by normal humans. Because if that was the case, then our home would look a lot more nicer and a bit more approachable. I mean look at it...it's freaking underground!

I walked in first and Harry was right behind me

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I walked in first and Harry was right behind me. "It's kind of dark in here Lou," Harry told me as he wrapped his arms around one of my own. I looked at him and questioned it again and used my free hand to briefly brush over his bum. "Sun?" "Yeah?" "When does your heat start?" I asked out of curiosity. He wasn't in heat, but I still think that it would be good information to know about if he's going to stay in our lives. Which he will.

"Um...it normally comes every 3 months, so it should come in like a week and a few days. I don't really know. It runs on its own schedule really," He said with complete honesty. "What are you going to do about it though?" "Well...only the alphas can wish a pregnancy upon an omega, right?" "We do have the power to want cubs or not, yeah," I said with a shrug. That is kind of another thing about werewolves. The alpha can determine whether their omega can have their cubs or not.

"Do you want cubs?" "I think that a lot of wolves would want to have cubs someday, but we aren't even dating, so I don't know how you would feel about that." "Isn't it only based on what you alphas want?" He asked and I looked at him, then back to looking straight forward and I sighed. For male omega's they give birth in an interesting way...don't know how to describe it really so....yep. I think that it would be interesting to see the birth truthfully...

"Okay, you really need to stop putting us in a bad light. Your making us sound forceful, when not a lot of wolves are. We don't force a cub upon you. If you want a baby, then we can make it happen, but if you don't, then we won't force you to have one," I told him with a serious tone in my voice. "It's really up to you babe," Zayn said and Harry jumped a little. "My bad..." Zayn apologized.

"It's fine...but how are we going to deal with my heat?" "We each take turns. Like whenever one finishes and some time goes by and if you need to be fucked, then the next one goes in. I think we need to go easy on you since you are a virgin, correct?" Niall asked and I looked at Harry, and I saw him nod. "Well that means that we need to be careful with you, and kind of guide you on what you should do," Liam suggested.

"Are you sure that you would be okay with that?" Harry asked and I shrugged. "I think that I would rather have sex with someone that's a virgin than to have sex with someone who had sex with someone else before. Especially if I like them romantically. If you had sex with someone else before me, then I would be pretty jealous,so I'm kind of glad that you are a virgin," I said with a smile. "Good...I think?" Harry said and walked further into our "home".

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