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"4 months and 3 weeks baby, how do you feel?" I asked Harry, walking into the living room with our lunched on my hands. "At this point our baby's skin is developing and transparent, appearing red because blood vessels are visible through it. A creamy white protective coating, called vernix, begins to develop on the baby's skin?" Harry asked as he was reading the baby book that my mother passed on to me.

"Oh? What else is there love?" I asked and jumped onto the couch and I sat close to him. "As our baby continues to grow, I may be feeling some mid-pregnancy aches and pains by now -- lower abdominal achiness, dizziness, heartburn, constipation, leg cramps, mild swelling of ankles and feet, and a backache.

Dilated blood vessels might cause tiny, temporary red marks (called spider nevi) on my face, shoulders, and arms," Harry red. "So do I need to do massages right now?" I asked him and he shrugged. "Maybe in a bit, but not for right now," He said.

"My tip of the week is to take care of myself! Try not to get overtired while the baby is growing so quickly." Harry then said before he looked up at me. "Fruit salad?" He asked and I smiled. "Requested from my love, I have given the sweetest and best fruit salad that he has ever had," I said so dramatically.

"You are so weird," He said with an eye roll as he took the bowl and started to eat. Then there was a knock at the door. He looked at me and I nodded at him before I went to go answer the door. "Hey Liam, Hey Niall," I said with a smile. "Hey, can we come in?" Niall asked and I nodded my head, opening the the door wider for the both of them to come inside.

"Hey Harold," Niall said as he sat down right next to Harry. "Hey, how are you?" He asked as he looked at the blonde. "I'm doing fine, you?" "I'm alright, just enjoying my fruit salad that Louis made for me." "So Louis actually made something without burning the house down. I need to record this," Liam joked. "Oh hush, I'm not that bad in the kitchen," I defended and I saw Harry nod his head. "I can't lie, Louis makes some pretty good dinner," he admitted and I was proud by his claim. "See," I said and pointed at Harry.

"At least Harry thinks I'm not that bad," I added on before I looked at him. "Thank you babe," I said and he giggled. "No problem," He replied before he looked at Niall again. "So what had the two of you come over here?" He asked him and Niall shrugged. "We just wanted to hang out with friends, so he came over to my house, and I walked him over here since he has never seen your house before. Now we are just bored." "How did you get board in only 5 seconds?" I asked, and all he did was shrug.

"We have some games if you want to play something," I told him and that must've excited him because he jumped straight up an d looked around the room. "Where?" He asked and I laughed before I walked to the cabinet and opened it up. I pulled out a few game cases, and Niall looked at each one before he stopped at Fifa. "I love this game."

"So does Louis. You two should play together," Harry told him and the two of us looked at each other before we started to set up the game and grabbed our controllers. "Do you have any fruit salad left?" Liam asked. "Uhuh, yeah, sure," I said, and I heard Harry laugh. I was already getting into my zone. "Is there really?" Liam asked. "Uhuh, yeah, sure," I said again.

Harry's quick POV
Liam looked at me and I held up a waiting finger before I looked at Louis. "Louis, can you get Liam a bowl of fruit salad?" I asked him. He paused the game, got up and left the room. Only to come back with a bowl of fruit salad in his hands. He gave it to Liam. He walked back to the game and resumed it. "Thanks Tommo," Liam said politely.

"Uhuh, yeah, sure," Louis said and I laughed again before saying. "Thanks Lou." "Anytime darling," He responded and I laughed at Liam's reaction. The two of us watched them play and I cheered for Louis while Liam just cheered for Niall. Louis had the upper hand through most of the rounds and he kept getting up to kiss me for every game that he won. I giggled at Niall's frustration, but I gave him a hug to help him feel better, and it did. Even though Louis lost a couple of games, the score was still 7-2.

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