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I just knew that when we met Harry was going to be the highest point of our lives. The boy is now comfortable with us and now, we are all smiles and laughs. I can see in Niall's eyes that he likes the boy and I couldn't blame him. The boy is special. Not wolf species kind of special. Not medically special, but he is special. He is someone that you could always go to in order to feel better or just talk to him about any situation that you've put yourself in.

Right now, him and I are having some kind of staring contest. I have no clue as to how this started, but it did. This gave me the chance of looking at his cute little green eyes. His eyes just makes the rest of his eyes glow up into pure perfection and makes his entire face look even more beautiful. I wish that I had those kind of eyes, but I'm thinking that the ones that I do have is good enough because Harry keeps looking at them. Which was kind of cute.

He would always reach out and place a warm finger right below my eye and he would admire them from this whole contest, I guess. I think this actually started once I noticed him looking at me for like 3 minutes. I did notice his stare, but when I looked at him, he put his competitive face on and pulled the most cutest of faces and here we are. Having a contest for over 5 minutes now. "Are you two okay? The two of you have been sitting there for like 10 minutes," Niall said as he walked in. "Yeah, Harry was just staring at me for like 3 minutes, so now we're doing this," I told him and Harry let out a small giggle. "I needed some attention, and if this is the only way how, then so be it,"Harry then told us and I blinked.

"I win!" He cheered and raised his fist into the air in a celebratory manner. "You just wanted attention?" I asked in wonder and he looked at me and nodded his head. "You were just sitting there, far away from me. Niall was out playing with Zayn and Liam. No one was noticing me," Harry said with a small pout. "Well if you were feeling that way, then why didn't you just say that?" I asked as I moved closer to him.

Harry shrugged and sighed. "I didn't want to seem as needy," He told me and I chuckled and gave him a small shake of my head before I opened my arms to him. "Do you want to cuddle?" I asked and he looked at me before he smiled and nodded his head. He moved so that he was right next to me and nuzzled close to me. I wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped his own around my middle. "Cuddle buddy. You are my #1 cuddle buddy," Harry said as his eyes were closed and he nuzzles his head further into my chest.

I just hummed in response, but I can share as to how this boy is making me feel . He made my heart flutter as to how cute he is and how friendly he is. He would hang out with you for hours if he knows that you are down and he would stay by your side until you start feeling better. He would have these small actions that would just make him the cutest boy ever. He would make those faces that makes you want to take so many photos of him and he would make these noises in his sleep that again...makes him absolutely adorable.

"This is so cute," Niall said and I looked up to see my blonde boyfriend looking at us with a bright smile on his face. I smiled at him and I was about to speak until I start hearing snores. I looked down at Harry and I saw his eyes closed and his lips were parted by a small inch. He was snoring so softly and oddly, so cutely. Now what I've known about Harry is that he speaks and whimpers in his sleep. I always tend to listen to the talks that he has and there are times where I just wonder what he was thinking or dreaming about.

Like there was this one time where he just kept talking about how he was hurt and that he felt betrayed. Maybe I can ask about his past, but I know something like that would be a sensitive topic to some people, so I'm going to have to wait in that question and ask when I know that he's ready. The boy was crying that night, so it hurts knowing that he was in pain in his past and there was no one there to help him. I would've helped him if I was there. I'm sure that the others would've killed a being if we knew what happened to Harry.

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