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"What are we doing here Zayn?" I asked when it was midnight and I heard knocks coming from the front door. "Can we talk?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes before he walked onto my front lawn. I just stood at my porch and I felt a hand on my shoulder blade. Harry was already right behind me.

"What is there to talk about?" I asked. "I'm sorry...I know that you waited for me to say those words to you, but I'm saying them now. I was so wrong to judge you and H-" "Going to stop you right there," I said. I looked at Harry. He looked up at me and I looked back at Zayn. "We can't accept your apology Zayn. No matter what you say, we just can't forgive you," I told him.

"Here is why," Harry said and I went on my rant. "You see, the difference between you, Niall, and Liam is that Liam and Niall are the types to think about the situation and see from both sides and see that they are wrong. They realized things a lot faster then you did. They both said that they were just not ready to be dad's and we get that. They apologized for telling us that we weren't ready, when we were more than ready to bring another werewolf into this world. They apologized Zayn.

You on the other hand, would go too far before actually apologizing for your wrongdoing. For that, we can't accept your apology. Then there's more to that for us. Me especially," I told him and stepped down and I walked up to him. "Lou-" "I won't hurt him. I promise," I told Harry and he kept quiet. "Listen to me Malik," I said and he stepped back.

"You did the most unforgivable thing. You walked into my unborn child's baby shower with a freaking flask. You were drunk when we arrived and I wanted to rip you apart for that. Because you broke a promise of mine that I made to Harry. Now I don't mind people being drunk. It's your life, and I can't control that, but the freaking fact that you got drunk at a celebration of our soon-to-be born baby girl? That's wrong on so many levels.

I've been drunk before, but I've not stood anywhere close to my pregnant boyfriend. It was last Friday and Niall took me to the bar because hey, I was going to be a dad soon. He wanted me to celebrate it. I did get drunk while we were there, and what's so funny is that I have more self control over my damn drunken ass, then you do.

I straight up told Niall that I didn't want to go home, because I didn't want Harry to smell alcohol for when I come home. I stayed the night at Niall's house, and I slept there, returned home, and told my omega everything. That I didn't sleep with anyone. That I wasn't jumped.

That I was only over at Niall's house because I didn't want him to think of anything less of me. I didn't want him to think of me as some lame and irresponsible father that was not going to do so well as a dad, when I know for damn sure, that I'm going to be the best dad. I didn't want Harry anywhere near alcohol.

I didn't want him to smell it, taste it, or even see it. However, the next day comes around and you fucking laughed at my promise that I made to him," I growled at him.

"Louis, calm down," Harry told me and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I did. I closed my eyes, but opened them a second later. "Now let's go onto something else. I think that it has to do with something that you've said..." "Louis, I was dru-"

"I don't care if you were drunk Zayn. You still talked bad about my baby's. Because when you talk bad about the baby, then you're talking bad about Harry, then you are definitely talking bad about me. Now I don't care if you were high, sober, or drunk. Talk about Harry or Chloe, then you better be saying something good. You didn't though.

Instead you said the most...it's so freaking bad that I can't even describe it. You don't wish death upon a baby that isn't even here yet. You don't wish death of a baby laying inside of a belly. You don't wish a death upon anyone. That's just freaking wrong. You know me, and you know that I don't really care about anyone talking bad about me.

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