10 (Short)

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"I'm bored Ni," Harry whined as he cuddled right into the crook of my neck. Yes, Harry is getting pretty cuddly and he's been like this for the past few days now. We don't really know why. Louis checked his bum and Harry's not warm, so he's not in heat. Which just leaves us even more confused as to what's going on with him. Am I upset about it? Not really. I just want to know what exactly got him to be like this if that makes any sense.

"What exactly do you want to do then?" I asked him and he sighed. "I don't know...Louis doesn't feel like playing..." He pointed out and I smiled a little at his cuteness. "Yeah because he's sleeping." I told him, looking at a sleeping Louis on top of a sleeping Zayn. Harry groaned, "Can we just cuddle then?" He asked and I chuckled a little. I looked over at him and he looked up at me. He looks so cute and innocent right now...lord take me now...

"That is what we are going right now, right?" I questioned with a head tilt. He shook his head, "I'm cuddling you, but you aren't cuddling me back," He told me as his grip grew a bit tighter. I chuckled before I wrapped and arm around and pulled him closer to me. He hummed happily as he cuddled into my hold. I guess that now is a perfect time to ask him about everything that has been going on.

"Is everything okay?" I asked and he hummed. "Yeah, why?" "Well you have been getting a tad bit cuddly," I said with a shrug. "I just really love cuddles. If it came down to it, then I would pick cuddles over kisses any day. They make me feel all warm and nice and...I just love them," He said and I could see his blush in the bright moonlight. "It's fine Harry. We like cuddles too. We just didn't expect you to get all close to us so quickly," I said as I rubbed his shoulder.

"How would you feel if we see a water fall during our adventure?" He asked from out of nowhere. "Um...good, I guess. I just know that I would straight up dunk in that shit. It's been so long since we've seen a waterfall..." "Really? There is one that I always visit to on the weekends," He said and I could hear the surprised tone in his voice. I chuckled and nodded. "Well your adventurous in that kind of way, but we only venture out when it comes to food," I told him.

"Maybe someday, I could bring you boys to the spot. Nobody knows about, I swear. It was the first thing that I stopped by at when I ran away from home. There is absolutely zero civilization, and it's far away from town," He informed me. "That could be a fun date," I said with a wink and I heard his giggle. "I don't think that I would have any issues with that," He then told me and I wanted to scream my bloody head off.

He's starting to like us! Not just like friends, but as a boyfriend, you know?!? This is like some kind of party! It's been a long time since I've had one, but it's kind of like that! Joyous and filled with so much happiness! "Really?!" I asked with shock, and hope. "Why not? You boys do seem to be the type to keep your word on protecting me. Besides, you guys are really great guys. Very attractive too," He told me as he looked up at the moon.

"Are you really being serious?" I asked  not really knowing if my ears are deceiving me or something. "Yes...Am I the first omega to actually find you good looking or something?" He asked with a small laugh. "Well you are the first wold that we've seen. We kind of always thought that we were the only ones around, so meeting to you was pretty shocking," I said honestly. "Well I hope that when we met, you guys were also pretty happy with this," He said as he placed a hand on my own.

"Oh, you have no idea Hazza. During the days being spent with you, we just liked you more and more," I confessed. "That is the most cutest way to tell someone that you like them." "Really?" "Well, it's the first time that I've actually developed feelings for someone, and have them be returned back to me. I was not treated the greatest back at my hometown, so I would call this a...vacation a bit. Just a really long escape from the torture that I was put the
rough," He rambled and I sighed.

"Well call this whatever you want, but to me...this is your permanent home. With all of us. We will be your new home from now on if you want us to be..." "Kind if just confessed the way that I felt for you guys and how comfortable that you've made me feel, so yeah...you guys are my home," Harry giggled and squeezed my hand a little. "I just didn't think that this would happen. I thought that I was all alone, and when I met you guys...I honestly thought that I was going to die..." Harry admitted.

"Well you don't have to feel that way anymore. Omega's are always put at number one in out minds and right now, you are at the highest of pedestals. Omega's are the ones to keep our legacies and generations going, so we never understood why other alphas would hurt them. I hate wolves hurting one another. Like we are a big family, you know what I mean?" I asked Harry and he nodded his head. "I guess they just want to prove their dominance or something...I don't get it either," He agreed.

"Instead of talking about the negatives of being a werewolf and let's just sleep. How does that sound?" I asked as I started to get myself comfortable. "Only if you promise not to move so much," Harry said as he waited for me to stop moving before he joined with me and laid his body right next to me. "I won't. It's only if I have a nightmare is when I move. I'm pretty sure that you'll be okay. Today was a pretty good day, so you have no worries on me moving," I told him, wrapping my arm around his small waist.

I'm so happy Harry...with you...I'm happy...
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