Epilogue (Short)

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This has been a crazy journey, but that's just how life works. It will give you a punch in the face, but you still have to get back up and fight back. That's what the five werewolves did, and they are still the happiest that they have ever been. They thought that their breakout two years ago would've destroyed their lives, but it did the exact opposite. It gave them a happy life.

Harry and Louis have been through the journey of Harry's pregnancy, and out of all of that, they have given the world the most cutest baby girl, Ms. Chloe Ella Tomlinson. Harry wanted the baby to have Louis's last name since some day, they are going to get married, because when Chloe was 3 months old, Louis got down on one knee and proposed to Harry. Harry said yes and now their baby is 1 year old and they are 1 month away from tying the knot. Here is a picture of their daughter:

Samantha and Liam have been together for a 1 year and some months, and no, the two of them aren't getting married, but they are expecting a baby boy

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Samantha and Liam have been together for a 1 year and some months, and no, the two of them aren't getting married, but they are expecting a baby boy. The news was a shock for the two of them, but after a small freak out, they were happy to have a son together. They didn't do the surprise option like Louis and Harry, when the doctor was able to tell them what they were having, they just had the doc tell them. Samantha is a few months pregnant, and in 6 months, they'll meet their baby boy, Bear.

Rose and Niall have been together for a year and some months too, but the two aren't getting married, they aren't engaged, and they are not expecting. Rose is actually moving in with Niall as I speak. They are taking things slow, because that's the pace that they want to go. They feel comfortable going this route and that's how they'll do it.

Lastly, Kevin and Zayn are actually expecting their first child already, isn't that crazy?!? After all of the headaches and all of the trouble that Zayn went through, they just knew that they wanted to have kids together, so now, there shall be a little Malik running around in 8 months. You can't lie and say that you aren't happy for the both of them. They deserve happiness.

However, they all lived very happy lives and they wouldn't trade it for anything else in this world. They all lived happily ever after.

The End

"Well...that was an interesting fan fic..." Harry said before he removed the book from his library and got up. "Come on babe!" Zayn shouted from downstairs. "The moon is about to up love!" Louis shouted next and Harry smiled before he hurried out of his bedroom and hurried to get to his friends, and he can't lie and say that he doesn't like them...romantically...
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