16 (2 months later)

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"3 months baby!" Louis cheered and I giggled as I felt him hug my stomach and he muzzled his face into my belly. "Louis, your hair...it tickles," I giggled as I ran my fingers through his hair. He looked up at me and smiled so big. "See! I told you that you can do this! You've been doing so well baby. In just 6 more months, out baby will finally be here," He spoke happily before he started to kiss my kind of swollen stomach. I giggled again and rested my hands into his hair.

"I'm actually pretty confident about this...still nervous about the whole giving birth and parenting part, but I'm still pretty confident about it." I confessed. I wasn't lying. I've been pretty excited and confident about this whole pregnancy thing. I was a freaking mess at the start, but now...with Louis being here, not once leaving my side, I felt even more confident. The doctor informed that it was actually only our DNA in the baby 50/50, but I already knew about that.

"Okay! Where are we exactly?" Louis asked me, taking his book that his mother gave to him out. "This week should be our last week of this first trimester, so...week 12," I told him and I sat up with him. "Alright, so all parts of our baby is developing, from tooth buds to toenails. Our baby will keep developing and getting larger and stronger for the rest of your pregnancy. By the end of this week, the chance of miscarriage drops considerably."

"Well, that's good, right?" I asked."It's amazing love, but you need to stay safe for this week love. There's still a chance of it happening," Louis told me and I nodded my head. "You'll feel more energetic for the next few weeks. The typical weight gain by now is from 1.5 to 5 pounds. Fathers-to-be might also experience pregnancy symptoms, called couvade, or "hatching," during the third month and at delivery, including nausea, abdominal pain, appetite changes, and weight gain," Louis then told me.

"Your tip is to try not to fret about stretch marks. Most pregnant people get them on their breasts, abdomen, hips, or buttocks sometime during pregnancy. They won't go away, but they usually fade after pregnancy. Despite claims from manufacturers, creams and oils don't minimize them. How much they show depends on your skin's natural elasticity." "I'll get stretch marks?" "Yes, but don't worry. You still look cute to me," He said happily. "Here's what's happening to you right now love," He said and pointed at the picture on the page.

"By the end of the third month, your baby is fully formed, with arms, hands, fingers, feet, and toes. Little hands can open and close. Fingernails and toenails are beginning to develop, and the external ears are formed. Teeth are starting to form. Your baby's reproductive organs also develop, but the baby's sex is difficult to distinguish on ultrasound. The circulatory and urinary systems are working, and the liver produces bile," He read as I admired the photo.

"That's where our baby is at by the end of this month love. Isn't that exciting?" Louis asked me as he rubbed my belly. "Look at its tiny feet...it's little hands are so cute," I cooed as I grazed my finger across the photo. "They're cute, aren't they?" Louis chuckled and I felt his lips on my cheeks. "Now how are we going to go with thi-" Knock! Knock! Knock! "Something tells that it's Sophia," I said, getting up from our shared bed. Louis sighed and got up, we walked out of our room and walked down the stairs to get to the front.

"I opened the door to see our red haired friend. "I have a proposition for the both of you!" She cheered and rushed into the room. We thought that she was alone, but then two guys walked in and I looked at Louis. "Um...what's goi-" "So! We have been talking and considering that Harry loves baking and Louis is the funny, but informative type of guy, we want to put you two on TV?" "Uh...I-" She cuts me off.

"Not done! We are putting together a couple of TV shows. They are going to be called Cake Wars and Cupcake Wars. We thought that we needed to have judges and a host. I thought about the two of you. Louis, you are going to be interviewed by me, and Harry, you'll be giving these two men your top three best cakes and top 3 best cupcakes. They'll ask you questions about how your judging techniques are, and they'll be giving you some pastries to see if you're willing to judge them properly." She said.

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