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"Hey Rose, how are you doing?" I asked as I opened the front door to see my really good friend, Rose. "I'm doing great Niall, how about you?" She asked as she stepped through my freshly new household. "I've been doing pretty well. Just finished paying the bills of this house," I told her as I closed and locked the door from right behind Rose. "Oh, good job! Very responsible of you!" She cheered, clapped her hands together.

"What did you want to see me about?" I asked her and she smiled before saying, "Have you ever played Fifa?" She asked and my attention immediately went right to her. "Like I was thinking that we could hang out for today and play some games," She told me and I smiled at her. "Okay, but I've got to tell you that I don't go easy on women. You get the same treatment that you get with my other friends," I warned her and she chuckled.

"I don't even want you to go easy on me. I want you to play like you would with your friends. Just so that I know that the competition is legit," She said as she looked around my house. "The game room is this way," I told her and I started to lead her in that direction. "You actually have a room that's dedicated to games?" She asked me as she followed me throughout the house. "Yeah, that's what you should know about me. I absolutely love video games!"

"Well that's something that we have in common then," She said as she walked to where I stored my games. She pulled out the case that had the game Fifa in it. She looked at me and picked up a controller. "Care to join?" She asked and I grinned before I walked up to her and took the controlled that she was handing to me. I she grabbed her own and walked to the sofa that was facing the TV.

"What had you come over to play games?" I asked her and she shrugged. "Do I really need a reason to hang out with my friend?" She asked as she looked at me. "No, but it was random for sure," I said with a smile and I sat next to her. "I am actually really random actually," She admitted as I turned my TV on and switched the channel to the one that I set my console on.

I clicked on my account and I clicked on the game, making it start. "What do you want to play when we're done with this?" I asked and she shrugged. "I'll look when the 10th game is done," She told me and I nodded before asking, "Do you want to play together? Like on a team?" "Sure, we can totally brag to the other team as to how bad they were," She said.

"Alright," I clicked that option. The team that I was going up against was...Harry and Louis...shocker. "Louis is pretty good, but I don't think that Harry knows how to play the game," I said. Rose nodded her head and I started the game. Hopefully this doesn't suck as bad as it did when I was just going 1 on 1 with Louis. Harry really just watches him play, so what does he know, right? Right.

1 hour and 30 minutes later...
"You have got to be fucking kidding me..." I said as we just lost. My phone began to ring and I pulled it from my pocket and I saw Louis's number. I rolled my eyes and clicked answer. "Wha-" "9 to 1! Suck it!" Louis shouted from the other end. "How did Harry even know how to play?" "I taught him how to play last night, and even though he was still a noob, I said that I would give him a foot massage and a strawberry smoothie if we won," Louis explained.

"He must've wanted it that ba-" "I want my smoothie first Lou!" I heard Harry from far away. "Do you want to say anything to Niall though?" Louis asked and I rolled my eyes again. "Yeah! He lost to a pregnant noob, and I will tell our baby that when it comes!" I heard Harry and I sighed. "See you later mate. Harry's pouting right now. I'll be right there with your smothie and soft hands babe!" He hung up and I looked at Rose. "Well...we lost to a pro and a pregnant noob," I told her and that made her chuckle.

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