17 (Sorry if it's bad)

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"In just a few moments, four bakers will enter a fight for cupcake supremacy, and one by one, they'll be eliminated. As they're judged on taste, presentation, and in the final round, the last two bakers standing will each have to bring it all together to an incredible fantasy cupcake display. The winner gets to have their creation at the launch party of a popular movie, 'Marvels Endgame', and walks away with 10,000 dollars. Get ready to fly, because this is Cupcake Wars," I said and the camera guy called 'Cut'.

"Now you are going to act like as if you are just walking in. Remember greet them like you would do with other people," He told me and I nodded. I turned and jogged to the back. "You've got this babe!" Harry exclaimed and I chuckled. "Thanks love!" I called back. "...And action!" "What's up, I'm Louis Tomlinson, and tonight the flour is going to be flying in the fiercest cupcake battle yet. Literally. Overseeing this war is our judges. Harry Styles, CEO of the currently famous baking company, Styles Sweets," I introduced.

The camera panned to my really cute boyfriend, who was crossing his arms and had a really cute smile on his face. "And Patricia Baker, the CEO of the first bakery, Batricia Bakes. The kitchens are stocked, the judges are ready, let's meet the bakers who are ready to take flight," I said before the camera guy called cut. "Alright, the two of you can act like your normal selves, but of course don't go overboard with it. You have to call Harry by his name, but when it comes to your relationship, then you're free to do whatever." The guy told us.

"Okay," Harry said before he walked to the judges table and I followed him. He sat in the first seat, Patricia sat in the middle, and I stood next to Harry. When the camera man set everything up, he called action once again. "Competitors. Come on up," I said and they walked up to stand in front of us. "Now I'm pretty sure that you are all happy to be here. However, I want you to be excited! This is the first episode of Cupcake Wars and you are the ones who we've picked to be in it," I said with a smile.

They did small cheers and clapped. "Not only that, but if you win this competition, then you won't just be the winner of the first episode of Cupcake Wars, but your cupcakes will be at the launch party of the famous movie, Marvels Endgame!" I smiled and the room cheered. "You've already met Harry and Patricia, but your guests judge is actually Robert Downey Jr., Mr. Iron Man," I introduced. "Hello bakers. I'm looking for a cupcake that would signify the end of a really great and inspiring story," He said and the bakers smiled at him.

"Okay bakers, welcome to the first round that is based on taste. You'll have 45 minutes to craft a cupcake with at least 2 ingredients from this display. We have some things that could but isn't normally in a cupcake, which are: Cheese, cherries, peas, popcorn, spicy wings, coffee, nachos, pizza, baked beans, and so much more.  45 minutes on the clock, and your time starts...now," I said before they rushed to the table. We watched them go back to their stations and they were talking about their plans. The camera men visited the stations so that they could get their shots of the contestants. 

The guy that talked to us previously told us that we went to commercial, so I looked at Harry, who was looking at the competitors who were still hurrying to complete the task. "Everything alright babe?" I asked. Like I knew that he was okay, but it isn't bad to check in with him. He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm doing just fine Lou. I'm just happy to see their dedication and their talent being revealed right in front of me, you know?" He responded as he reached for my hand and I smiled, nodded my head, and grabbed his hand, giving it a small squeeze. "I know what you mean baby. I see it everyday with you," I complimented and he giggled. "I love you Lou," He told me. I raised our interlocked hands and kissed the back of his palm. "I love you more, my love."

"We're going to be back in 5 more minutes, so when the clock reaches 30, then you'll start talking. Make up a pun or something before you tell them how much time they have left," I heard in my earpiece. Alright...so I have to make a joke. How about a joke? Harry tends to always laugh at the jokes that I make.

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