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"The 5 months pregnant Harry Styles is here!" Niall announced to everyone. "Welcome to your baby shower mate!" Niall cheered and I smiled at him before I looked at Louis. He was looking at the scenery and that made me admire things too. "Thanks, you guys made all of this?" I asked and Niall nodded his head. "I planned most of it, so I hope that you two enjoy your time, your baby's gender will be revealed in 2 hours," Niall told us and I nodded, taking Louis's hand and walked in with him following me. It was so cute!

Okay so right now, our baby can hear sounds

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Okay so right now, our baby can hear sounds. My voice, heart, and my stomach growling, as well as sounds outside of my body. Our baby will cover its ears with its hands if a loud sound is made near me, and it may even become startled and "jump." Our baby is moving often, too. It's twisting, turning, wiggling, punching and kicking. I'm near the midpoint of my pregnancy though! My uterus is just about even with my navel. My waistline pretty much disappeared. The risk of bladder infections are more likely, because certain muscles in the urinary tract relax.

My breathing will deepen and I may sweat more than usual because my thyroid gland is more active. I've been watching my posture lately because of the aches in my back. I sit with a footstool and I use a ergonomic chair, I don't stand for too long, I am sleeping with a small pillow under my side at the waist, and I lift things with my legs instead of my back. Hair is beginning to grow on our baby's head, and lanugo, a soft fine hair, covers his or her shoulders, back, and temples. It's a lot. I know...

The hair protects our baby and is usually shed at the end of the baby's first week of life. Our baby's skin is covered with a whitish coating called vernix caseosa. This "cheesy" substance, thought to protect baby's skin from long exposure to the amniotic fluid, is shed just before birth. I may begin to feel our baby move because he or she is developing muscles and exercising them. That movement is called quickening. Our baby is moving now! Isn't that amazing?! I looked at the baby themed food and I smiled even bigger. It was all so nicely decorated.

"Um...what is he doing here?" Louis asked me and I looked at him. "Who are you talking about?" I asked him and all he did was stare. "Louis you're starting to make the baby kick," I told him. I placed a hand on my belly, feeling the kicks right where the kicks started to happen. Louis still didn't say anything. He just kept staring and it was freaking me out. I whimpered and that made some people look at me, but Louis. "Lou...Lou...god dammit Louis!" I shouted and that seemed to work. He finally looked at me.

"Who invited Zayn?" Louis asked. "Is that who you were staring at?" I asked and he nodded his head. "Did he apologize to you and I didn't know about it?" "No...where is he? I don't see him?" I asked as I looked around. "He's right over there baby," Louis told me and he pointed. I followed his point and I looked ahead of us and I saw Zayn taking a sip from his flask. "Oh...don't worry about him Louis. The baby can't have negative things happening around us right now. Especially if it can hear us now. Alright?"

"Okay, but you need to tell me if he causes any issues with you, because I'm already on the verge of-" "Louis, no," I told him as I rubbed my belly. "Okay...just saying," He told me and I sighed before I looked at the food that was at the food table. "Can you get me a plate?" I asked him and he nodded his head. "What would you like babe?" "...a burger and fries would be nice. Ooh, can you get me a small bowl of fruit though?" I requested and he nodded before leaving me, getting my food.

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