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This is the second day of us trying to build the new home that we are all going to be sleeping and staying in. Even though we are all alphas except for Harry of course, Zayn and I are like the main ones who lifted all of the heavy things. Louis said that it was going to grant him the view of my muscles as I am doing work and for Zayn well...he just said that while Harry is at the top on the ass chart, that Zayn was a close second, so he was going to pretty much check him out as he was doing work.

This is Louis, I tell you...still love him though! The house is close to being finished, and all that we seeded to do was get our things and move them into the new home. Harry had to depart since his stuff was at his own home. However, he took Niall with him so that he was safe while he was on his journey there and back.

I was packing my own things and some meat before Zayn walked in. "Hey babe," He said before he kissed my cheek softly. I smiled, "Hey, what's up?" I wondered. "Nothing, just finished up on my packing. Waiting on Louis to be done," He told me as he sat on my bed and watched me as I gathered my things.

"Do you think that this move is a good idea?" I asked and he nodded. "It's a nice looking house and this is a huge benefit for us. Us werewolves have to stick together and since Harry is an omega, that means that he needs to be protected even more now." He told me and I knew that is how this is supposed to work. We are the protecting type of omega's, and this is no different.

"I know, it's just that...there was a lot of memories here, you know? First it started with Louis finding this place, then Niall came in, and then you arrived, then it was me. We were so hesitant around one another for so long before we started to feel happy together." "I know babe, but now Harry is now in the mix. We don't have that much room left and we already know that he's special, so this is a good move to make," He said as he held my hand.

"That's true," I said as I looked out the window. "Hey, there is nothing to be upset about. We are just making more memories now. We will always keep those past memories to the heart, but there is a boy that we are about to make some more with," He reassured me and I smiled. "I'm not upset, it's just that I'm going to miss this place," I said with a sigh.

"If there is ever a time where we need to make a long ass journey, we'll be sure to make this place one of our stopping points." He told me before he kissed the back if my hand. "Look at you being all cheesy and a complete sap," I joked and he rolled his eyes. "There is seriously nothing rong with being a serious romantic, you know....Harry is the same way," He retorted and I nodded.

"That may be true, but the boy isn't that much of a sap. He's just the sweet romantic while you're the hardcore romantic type," I said and he released my hand and stood up. "I will not allow being attacked like this," He said with a pout and walks out of my room. I chuckled before I got my stuff together and walked out of my room. I saw Louis sitting on the couch, looking around the room. "Thinking in the past eh?" I asked him and he looked at me and nodded.

"It's going to be quite hard to leave a place like this...there was just so many good many memories made here. I don't think that I want to get rid of them..." "You aren't babe, we are just moving into another story, with the omega in it," Zayn said as he sat next to Louis. "It is just going to suck moving out of this place." Louis spoke weakly as he leaned onto Zayn's shoulder. "I-I'm sorry..." I heard a soft voice say and I jumped before I looked at the front door and saw Harry looking at us and Niall holding his hand.

"I..I didn't mean...to cause you pain. I understand if...if you don't want to leave...I'll just go ba-" "I did not just walk all of the way over there to go back. Guys, this house will still be standing. We will still remember the memories, we are making more. Harry is going to be staying with us, so we will be moving into the new home. Understand that we aren't leaving anything. Everything is going to be remembered, and nothing is going to be forgotten, alright?" Niall reassured.

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