Thank You and Remember!

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Okay so first, I want to thank you all for 1K reads on this story and I am so happy that you all have enjoyed this story so far. I am so thankful for all of you and I wish to give you all big wide hugs, but I think that a nice little note of appreciation will do the trick. I am so happy that another story was a success and it's all thanks to you. I wouldn't have gotten this far if it wasn't for you and I'm so happy to have guys like you as my followers.

Now the whole Remember part is the fact that some of you guys kind of love my stories a little too much. Even though we are in quarantine and I have a lot of free time on my hands, it does not mean that I'm going to be uploading 24/7 and I'm not going to upload a story that I have yet gained new story ideas about. LillianBogart, I know you love the Immortal story and I'm happy that you are, but I don't have any new ideas yet, and that's why you don't see an upload about it.

When I get new ideas about the stories that are currently in the making, then I'll update the story, but if I don't, then that's when I say be patient and wait like the others. I can understand when u upload a chapter to a story and you guys say something like 'pls update' and it makes me happy of course. However, I don't need to keep getting notifications of the same things being said. Literally, I am actually getting upset and annoyed about it. I never thought that I would, but that's how I'm currently feeling right now so...

Thank you for 1K reads and I love every single one of you! Stop with the constant 'Update Immortals pls' 'when are you are you going to update this story?' 'When are you going to update that story?' I WILL WHEN I CAN! This is actually giving me a headache so please stop and remember that I currently have 21 stories in the making, and there is another 4 stories that I'll be creating soon, so please be freaking patient and wait. It's really making me upset and annoyed and frustrated. A lot is taken out of my day already.

When it comes to this app, I have upgraded and starred to type a lot more to give you guys more content. Instead of typing in the 1000s, I'm now typing 2100 and something words, so patient.

Anyways, thank you guys again for the love and support. That was the only problem that I've been facing recently, but besides that, thank you and I love you all very much. Hope that you have a good day!


I'll be shouting out the people that have been with me from the very beginning (Top 10 people), so stay tuned!

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