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We were all sitting back, watching the omega walk ahead of us, smiling at the flowers all around us. I smiled at the sight and I looked at Louis who was looking at him with so much fond. Yes, if you haven't gotten the point, then here it is: We like the omega. I mean, who wouldn't? He is just so freaking adorable and he's as sweet as a strawberry...it's been a while since I've had one, but I remembered them being one of those sweet fruits.

Today would mark two weeks since we've met him and I swear as each day goes by, we fall harder and harder for the beautiful boy. "Today is so beautiful!" Harry exclaimed as he looked up at the sky. "I'm sure it is lovely," I said in response and I heard him giggle a bit before he looked at me, turning his body so that he was facing me.

"Where are we headed anyways?" He asked and we shrugged. "Wherever makes us a bit more safer than the spot that we lived at. I'm thinking of a home that's a bit more secretive, I guess?" Louis suggested and Harry smiled, "Good idea Lou!" He exclaimed as he gave Louis a thumbs up in approval. I cooed as he was humming with a big smile on his face.

"God he's so adorable..." Zayn mumbled for only us to hear. "I can definitely agree with you on that," Louis told him with a soft smile. "Well I guess that it's safe to say that he's being a lot more open to us some more," Niall said as we were walking to the other side of the flowered field while Harry was taking his precious time with the beautiful plants.

We all turned to watch the omega swiftly move around with a smile on his face and his spirit completely carefree. "There are just moments where I just want to sit here and just watch him move around in this field," I said with a grin on my face. "He just looks so happy and at peace," I then added as the boys sat on the ground and I just leaned against the tree.

"I just wonder how he was as a cub. That's something that I would definitely want to see," I said and looked at Louis, who looked at me at that very moment. "You know who would've looked like a complete dog as a cub?" He asked and I tilted my head. "Niall, because his fur is completely white and anyone would confuse him as a small little puppy," He then said and wrapped an arm around Niall's shoulders.

Niall just rolled his eyes, but he was smiling so we knew that he didn't feel insulted by Louis's comment. I mean, who would? Louis was literally calling him cute in a certain way. I would've taken the comment, happy that I would've been seen as a puppy when I'm actually a cub.

"On forth, my good men!" Harry exclaimed and we looked to see Harry running our way. "Why are you running?" I asked and Harry shrugged a bit, "I'm in a playful mood," He told me and that grabbed Louis's attention. "I'll catch you!" He shouted and Harry yelped before the two dashed off, chasing after one another, playing tag together.

"Be back before the sun goes down!" I shouted and I heard Harry shout, "Yes sir!" Zayn smiled and looked at Niall and I. "They are such kids," He said and I chuckled. "We all have those kid like moments.""Yeah, but Louis is constantly in a kid like moment. He likes to play whenever you say the word play," Niall added and I shrugged.

"I think that he just wants to play because of the fact that there is not a lot of things to do around here. The only things that are around us is grass, trees, ditches, hills, and other stuff like that. I would want to have Louis's energy too if I had to stay here for months and years.

Because to be honest with you, it is quite boring out here. It would be nice if there was a world or town that were just like us. Beings that couldn't really be described as 'normal'," I told them as I stepped over a fallen tree, and I helped Niall get over it once I was on the other side. Zayn just jumped over it with no issue.

I heard feet running and laughter filling the air. I just knew that it was Harry and Louis and I smiled. I looked a bit deeper and saw the two playing a game of tag. "Be careful kiddos!" I shouted and the Louis looked at me nodded, and Harry touched him. "You're it!" He exclaimed before he starred to run off again. Louis chased right after him and I chuckled.

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