Chapter 61

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Finally did it!!! A new chapter 😄
Be warned for a horrible chapter...

Joe's P.O.V.
We were all gathered in Nick's hospital room, waiting for Emma. Nick's therapist.

Nick told us she seems alright and keen on keeping all that's said within the four walls it's been said. No matter what it is.

We had some small talk until she entered the room.

"Good morning all. I'd like to start with an announcement. Nick's doctor and I have decided that he might be able to go home later today. There're some rules to be established, but I'm sure it won't be a problem for either of you." We all shake our heads. If Nick can be happy and healthy, I'd do it all.

She takes a seat in the circle we formed so everyone can see everyone. Nick is sitting up in bed and shares it with Frankie and Pippa.

"I've already gotten to know Nick a little last time I spoke with him. Is there anything you'd like to say right now, Nick?" She turns herself towards him.

Nick nods shyly. "I know you didn't have to do this, but it means a lot to me that everyone is here." He leaves it at that and gives Emma a nod.

Emma returns the gesture.

"Today I want to get to know all of you a little bit. Everyone is processing all of this in their own way and with this," she motions around the room. "I want to give everyone the opportunity to say what's on their mind without any interruptions."

Nick got the first opportunity to speak and he talked about how empty he feels. How he wants to be better and not feel like this.

Pippa said the same thing. She doesn't feel like whatever this is, is going to end soon and that scares her.

Frankie talked about how the family is falling apart. How he feels left out due to big age gaps and he feels like he's always out of place.

I was up next. And after me was Kevin.

"I feel like I failed my little brothers and sister. I'm neglecting my pregnant wife and I feel like I'm not good enough for her. She deserves a better man. I feel like I've already lost Nick and lost Pippa. They are so out of reach. It's hard connecting with Nick, because he keeps to himself and bottles everything up. He hides out and wants to deal with everything himself."

He pauses. "Pippa is another story. She also keeps to herself, but she's a little more open. And what she lets go, is very intense. She's always trying to fix things, but they don't always work out well. I can tell she's frightened, but so am I. She's always been intense and I've always wanted to help her. I can't. I can't help her. I don't know how to help her and it scares me that she is so scared. I want to take her fear away, but I can't. It's horrible." He is in tears now.

I look at Pippa to see her staring in front of her with a pained expression. All she wants is to protect us from everything she's feeling, but she's not capable of doing that. We're blood related.

Our parents both talked, which was very hard to listen too. Mom had to take multiple breaks during her talk. It is too hard on all of us. Nick needed her to pause and Kevin had to walk out for a minute to calm down.

But she was right. It feels good to hear everyone out and to be able to speak without being interrupted. I know no one will ever judge me, but it felt so good to speak freely.

"Can you hand me my kit?" Nick asked us.

Dad turned around to grab Nick's kit from behind him. I think I wasn't the only one to hold my breath while waiting for the result.

Two beeps. He's off. No wonder he is. We were all very emotional just now and all the crying took a toll on his blood sugar.

"I'm gonna go grab him something." I run my hand through my hair and took the opportunity to leave the room for a minute.

I walked around the hospital searching for a vending machine. I found one and grabbed him and all of us some sugar filled candy to help all of us. Not only to help Nick.

I take the long way back to the hospital room. Letting my eyes wonder around the hallways. Looking around to see families support each.

People who cry because they got bad news, people who hug and chuckle out of relief because they got good news.

Hospitals can be such big things. It can ruin or save someone's life. It saved ours, but who knows what the future might bring?

No one knows what the future is going to bring us. I hope for some good times in the near future, but who am I to wish for something like that?

I walk back into the room and let Nick have first pick before going around the room.

Emma quickly rounds up the conversation. She wishes us all well before she walks off.

It's silent after she's gone. Everyone content with the candy I brought.

Finally, we warmed up again and let everyone know how much weight got lifted off from all our shoulders with this.

Dinner time rolls around, so we're all going home. Mom starts dinner as soon as we get home. Kevin drove home in his own car. Pippa, Frankie and I make our way over to the tv to watch some tv. Waste some time before we actually have to eat.

Later that evening, I climbed out my window to sit on the roof and watch over the streets.

It's a calming technique. I used to do this with Pippa on several occasions if she showed up at my room after another nightmare, or when she simply couldn't sleep. I've spent a lot of hours on this rooftop.

Thank you so much for reading!!

Let me know what you think and I'll upload as soon as I can!

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