Episode 6

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-the next morning-
"Jimin, did you see my RJ backpack? I can't find it. I am not even sure if I brought it with me yesterday after Joon pulled us out of the building." , Jin said to his friend while looked for his backpack in every corner of the house.

"No Jin, I didn't see it, where have you last seen it?", Jimin asked curious.

Jin sat himself next to Jimin on their sofa and started to think.

Suddenly Jin jumped and said with an excited voice: I KNOW WHERE IT IS!!! I LEFT IT AT THE FANMEETING!!!

"No way. What if it's not there anymore? And the fanmeeting place got cleaned up ?"

"I don't care let's go."

"But Jin, look at us we are still wearing our pajamas!"


Jimin's mouth formed into an o.
"Well then let's go! I HOPE HE DOESN'T READ THEM!!!"

Jin grabbed his car keys and his jacket. They put some shoes on and ran out of the apartment.

-at the house of the Jeon's-

"Will you bring the backpack back to Jin today?" Kook asked.

"Yeah, I was planing to do it." Tae exclaimed, while eating his chocolate cereals.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Jungkook asked, while drinking his banana milk.

"If you want to, you can." Tae said unbothered.

"Did you open the bag? Do you know what's inside? It seemed kind of heavy." , Jungkook asked curious.

"No I did not. That backpack is not mine. I can't do that.", Tae said serious. "Did you look into it?", Tae said with an angrier expression.

"N-No, well..."
"Well what?!", Tae seemed really angry.
"I did, but why are so angry all of a sudden, why do you even care?"
"It's because... ugh whatever..."
"Uhm okay... by the way, there were love letters.", Jungkook said bored.

Taehyung spat his cereal out right in Jungkooks face.

"YO WATCH TF OUT. You disgusting shit! I am full of cereal you dumb ass."

"sorry.", Tae apologized but didn't really mean it, he was still busy observing the news he got to hear.

„What did you read?" ,Tae asked curious "And for whom was the love letter?"

"It was for you dumbass. Don't worry I just saw the letter and I just read for Taehyung and I love you Taehyung. And then there was a text moving on but I didn't read that."

"Oh... okay."

Tae finished his bowl full of cereal and made his way up to his bedroom. He saw Jin's backpack and took a peek inside. He saw the letter and took it out.

The letter was pretty designed. It has some glitter and it was pink. The writing was in a silver colour and overall the letter was really cute.

Tae begun to read the letter.
He started to smile really wide, but he didn't realize it.

"What are you doing mister?" Jungkook asked with a smirk in his face.

"Nothing Hyung! Now get out."

Jungkook walked over to Taehyung and started to read the letter too.
But Tae was quick to react and pushed Jungkook out of his room.

"Jungkook you are seriously so annoying. Did you hear the word privacy one time in your life? Do you know the meaning? Clearly not.", Taehyung said clearly pissed.

But Jk didn't bother a single bit and started to dance and make funny faces while turning his voice in to a childish one.

"Taehyung has a cruuuuushh, Taehyung has a cruuuuuuush!", Jungkook sung .

A tint of red covered Tae's cheeks.
"No it's not like that! Jungkook you always understand everything wrong!!! Now gooo!!!!"

Jungkook just laughed and went to his room.

-at the fanmeeting place-

Jin and Jimin arrived.
Workers where dismantling the accessories for the fan meeting.

Jin hurried to one of the workers and asked if they had seen a pink backpack with an alpaca on it.

But sadly the worker said that he didn't see it.

Jin and Jimin made their way into the building and looked for the backpack.
They looked in every corner of the room, even backstage.
But they couldn't find it.

So Jimin and Jin gave up and made their way back home.

Jin was biting his nails off. He was worried. What if  Taehyung read his letter? If that would happen, he would literally kill himself.

-at Jinmin's apartment-

Jin and Jimin just ate dinner and talked about the Jeon brothers, like everytime they get into a conversation, the brothers always get a part in it.

Jin and Jimin changed their clothes after their arrival to normal sweatpants and a pullover.
They looked a little more presentable, than with pajamas.

Jimin and Jin decided to do a face mask after the stress they had before.

They put the face mask on, took some candy, popcorn and chocolate on their small living room table.
And started to watch a movie.

They chose a quite scary movie bc by romantic movies they would fall fast asleep.

They were enjoying their film under their comfortable blankets, they had put on their large sofa. They were living their bestes life until a knock on the door interrupted them from watching the movie.

"Did you order something?", Jin asked.
"No, I did not. But it might be Namjoon or Hoseok, maybe they got bored and came over.", Jimin said wondering.

"Who can this be?" Jin got up and made his way to the door.
"Do you know what time it is?" Jin said annoyed while opening the door and not seeing who is in front of him.

"I'm sorry for disturb you. But you forgot something at the fanmeeting."

Jin's eyes widen. Can this be? Is this real? I am not dreaming am I? Wtf wtf wtf omg omg omg omg.

"One minute."
Jin smiles to the two men in front of him and closes the door.


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